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"Oh please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart."
-Shawn Mendes; Mercy


James and I were the last ones in the theater, everyone else had cleared out long ago. I was in my practice clothes and my makeup had been wiped away. James had taken off the prince costume and thrown a pair of black pants and a black shirt on. He was sitting with his legs dangling off the stage. I walked over and sat down with him.
"Do you want to talk?" I whispered, referring to the kiss.
"I guess. What's there to talk about Vera?"
"You kissed me. I just wanted to know why." I replied with a shrug. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my stomach was doing backflips.
"I'm sorry about that. I guess I just got carried away. I mean you look so beautiful and I just... I'm sorry, Vera. It won't happen again."
"You don't have to be sorry. I quite enjoyed it." I breathed.
"You know from the moment I met you I always thought you were the most amazing person. The amount of compassion you had for everyone around you, and how much you loved you sister, it amazed me. You continue to amaze me, you know."
"I know." I whispered.
"Vera, I think I'm falling in love with you."
I felt my chest tighten and I let everything I'd be taught about love and men slip away. Of everything that had been drilled into my head in the Red Room, the most important, they said, was men were a distraction. They were unhealthy as anything except coworkers or tools. But for now, I let myself forget about the Red Room and forget about Hydra.
"I think I'm falling in love with you too." I admitted. I leaned in and on the edge of the stage we shared a beautiful kiss.


The show was over and I'd successfully gotten rid of two more American spies. As I began the walk back to the apartment Vera and the Soldier shared I noticed all the lights were still on at the theater. I snuck inside, afraid the police were already investigating the murders. If so, it was fast work on their part. Not that I think I left any evidence, I'm just paranoid. Instead I saw my sister kissing the Soldier. They broke up but continued to hold each other very close. After standing in shock for a moment I ran out of the theater. Once I was outside I contemplated my options. What I had just witnessed could get Vera in a lot of trouble, on the other hand it could also be my ticket out of here. Finally I made up my mind.
"Hydra dispatch. Connect me with Von Strucker immediately."
"What is it Romanov?"
"I have just witnessed your soldier confess his love for my sister and kiss her. I was told he was incapable of such emotions. This could corrupt him." I reported.
"I see. They will be punished according. Hydra once again must thank you for your service."
The comm went quite and I waited. An hour later, three full teams of Hydra field agents fully armed sprinted into the theater. I knew for a fact that in the London area there were only enough agents to make up three teams, if that. As soon as they entered the building I ran. I traded my suit for civilian clothes and was able to blend in. I was never going back to Hydra. But, there was only one line of work I knew, so I turned to my only other option; the KGB.


It felt like James and I had been sitting on the edge of the stage talking for hours. We didn't talk about anything important, just relaxed and shared a few stories. But I knew something wasn't right. Then I heard the theater doors slam. My muscles tightened, getting ready to fight.
"Who do think it is?" I whispered.
"I don't know."
We didn't have to wait long to find out. At least three fully armed Hydra teams marched in. I stood and raised my hands lightly, trying to show we meant peace.
"What do you need?" I called.
"You are both in the custody of Baron Von Strucker." He informed us. My chest tightened.
"On what charges?" I demanded.
"The Black Widow reports that you and the Soldier have become romantically involved."
"Do you trust me?" I asked in Russian.
"With my life." I heard James reply.
"Then I'm sure you are aware that Natalia Romanov is leaving the country and all her communication and tracking devices have gone dark." I announced. I saw a few agents check their devices and nod their heads to confirm.
"We will take this matter up with the Baron, for now you are coming with us."
I nodded and we walked out with agents on each side.


We were taken to one of Hydra's underground bases and thrown in a cell. I was taken out for questioning first. A guard led me to another concrete room with no windows and handcuffed me to a chair. In a matter of minutes the Baron himself came in.
"Miss Romanov." He murmured before he sat down across from me.
"Your story checks out. Natalia has indeed left the country unauthorized. She's betrayed Hydra." He clicked his tongue like it was a shame.
"You however, have potential! Especially with your ability to control our asset. But one matter remains; are you in love with the Soldier?" He looked at me intensely, waiting for his answer.
I rolled my eyes, "You would believe the word of Natalia, betrayer and disgrace to Hydra? I would never jeopardize Hydra in any way." I kept my voice straight and my eyes steady. Another thing I was taught in the Red Room was how to lie effectively. The Baron nodded and seamed quite pleased with my answer.
"Congratulations! You are promoted. You are the new Black Widow."
He handed me the suit and I put it on. It was black and skintight. It had a gold chain as a belt and in the center loop was a red hourglass. Around my wrists were the Black Widow's signature gold gauntlets. There have been many Black Widows before me. The first was named during World War I. It was only recently we began to work with Hydra. I wasn't exactly thrilled at my new job, but I knew if I didn't do it they'd kill me and find someone else. After I was done getting the suit on another guard escorted me to my next assignment. The Baron stood before two large doors.
"Welcome. We will be keeping you and the Winter Soldier together, as it seems you work best that way. Hydra likes things done in both an effective and efficient manner so, seeing as your partnership works it will become permanent." The doors opened and my eyes scanned the room ahead of me. James was in some sort of coffin like machine and ice seemed to surround him. Sitting next to him was another one of the coffin machines.
"As you can see the Winter Soldier is already in stasis. You will be too in just a moment. Not to worry, it's painless. When Hydra is in need of your services we will wake you. That could be, of course, anywhere from 5-40 years." The Baron continued.
They dragged me into the machine and it closed around me. There was a little circular widow that I could see out.
"Put her under." I heard someone say. The next thing I knew was hell. It felt unbearably cold and it was sinking in around my legs and torso. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins but I couldn't move. The cold turned into pain as it reached my chest. I couldn't breathe. "You're a filthy liar Von Strucker!" I thought to myself just before the cold overtook me.
Then it became black.

"I need you to set me free."

Winter's Ballerina-WINTER SOLDIER FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now