A Theif's Healer ~ Ralph X Reader

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I was running through the rain trying to find some kind of shelter. Night after night I've been on the run. After robbing a store a few days ago the cops have been hunting me down. My H/C was soaked as well as my clothes. Thunder filled the air as I kept walking.

Coming around a corner I spot a broke down house, with shingles missing and bordered up windows. Checking my surroundings I started to climb the tall fence. As soon as I lifted my other leg to get to the other side I slipped. Landing g on the hard muddy ground I hear a snapping sound come from my left ankle. "SHIT!" I cried out. Trying not to cry I bit my lip and tried my best to stand. Gripping on to everything near me I hopped on my right foot.

Coming up to the house's front door I tried to turn the knob just to find it locked. "Oh come on!" I yelled and punched the door out of anger. "Damn!" Blood started to leak from my knuckles, I slid down the wall and just put my head against my knee. 'Please God. Don't let this get any worse.' I thought.

Hearing creaks from the porches floor, I looked up to come face to face with a knife. "Ralph doesn't like humans, humans hurt Ralph" the owner of the knife said. "What does Human want?!" He demanded. "I j-just need a place to stay the n-night tonight. Please." I stuttered. "You'll hurt Ralph. Look what other humans have done!" He said turning his face to the side. I could only make out a few scars in the dark.

"I promise I won't hurt you, Ralph? Your name's Ralph right? Look I'm hurt too, I sprained my ankle trying to get over the fence and my hand is bleeding." He didn't reply. Instead he glanced down at my leg and I seen what I presume to be his LED turn yellow and back to blue. "Human can stay. Ralph trusts her. Come, come! It's warm inside!" He said grabbing my hand and unlocking the door dragging me in.

"Ralph will start a fire while Human gets comfortable!" He said excitedly. I tried to make my way over to the fireplace but came crashing down thanks to my leg. I let out a cry and bit my lip once more. "Human must not walk while hurt. It could worsen it!" Ralph exclaimed and picked me up bridal style. "You know, my name isn't human. It's Y/N." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He set me down on the floor. He finally got a fire going and I could see him clearly. He had dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and burn scars on the left side of his face. He wore an android gardener outfit and a torn up cloak.

Being honest, he was one of the cutest androids I've come to known, burn marks and all. "Ralph will fetch Y/N bandages." He said and left the living room. I rolled up my right pant leg and examined my ankle. It was swollen and bruised. It needed to be popped in place and I sure as hell didn't want to do that! Ralph entered the room with a gauze, a stick and a scarf it seemed. He sat down on the floor next to me and stuck the gauze on my bloody hand. "Ralph, I need you to pop my ankle back in place. Please" he nodded at me and grabbed my leg and foot. Closing my eyes I felt him twist my foot and I screamed. "Ralph didn't mean to hurt Y/N, he was only trying to help." He said looking sadly.

"No Ralph you did fine. It just hurt is all." He grabbed the stick and lined it up next to my ankle and took the stained scarf and tied it around my leg. "Thank you so much. I know it is hard trusting a human" I said softly. He just looked up at me and smiled. This was the start of a beautiful friendship.

~part 2 maybe?~

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