Jealousy is Such a Strong Feeling ~ Luther X Android!Reader

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After leaving Zlatko's, Luther and I joined Alice and Kara's journey to freedom. We were heading to a woman named Rose's house. When Zlatko would work on his experiments I would spend my time in the basement locked away. The other androids talked about a woman who helped deviants cross the border to Canada. That wasn't just the reason I joined, no. Not just to be free, but to be free with my Lover, Luther. You see, shortly after I arrived at the monsters house, Luther and I met and felt a connection. Every time I looked or touched him, I felt a shock go through my wires. A shock that made me feel alive. He would make me feel safe in this fucked up world, away from my past memories of the Eden Club. I promised myself no matter where he went, I'd be right by his side.

In our long car ride I sat in the back with Alice, as Luther and Kara rode up front chattering away. It made me a little upset that I wasn't included in their conversation. So I just payed attention to the black headed girl who was asleep on my lap. Every once in a while the dark skinned man would look back at me, or more like Alice. It made me sad. A few minutes passed and the auto driver kicked in and said something was wrong with the car and pulled to the side of the road. Hopping out and taking a look at the engine it was completely busted. "It's a no-go. The engine's fried. We are gonna have to walk." I said. "We can't walk. It's 30 degrees out! Alice won't last that long. I'll search around and see if I can find a place" Kara stated.

"Kara, nothing will be around. We are in the middle of no where" Luther stated. The short brown headed lady didn't listen and walked off anyway. "Are you alright, dear?" Luther asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, just concerned is all" I said. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either. "Hey! Over here I found something!" Kara shouted from the distance. I picked the sleeping girl up in my arms and walked to where Kara was.

Walking around an abandoned amusement park, we found a broken down restaurant and set up camp there. Putting Alice to sleep I stayed beside her, once again the two androids started talking without me. Banging sounds started up and a herd of people started to break through the windows I backed away and the little girl ran to Kara. Luther grabbed his gun and stood in front of the other two, leaving me In the open unprotected. I couldn't hear what they were saying, I was filled with rage. How dare he do that! Coming back to reality I seen that they all headed outside leaving me once again. Taking a step outside I seen the little girl on a carousel and Kara and Luther standing next to each other closer than I am comfortable with. It was like seeing a mother and father watching their child have fun. Only I wasn't apart of this family. A stray tear found its way down my cheek as I headed back inside.

~timeskip to the next day~

We've been walking all day long towards Rose's. I fell slightly behind the group and haven't said a word all day. Irrational thoughts clogged my mind since last night. Luther was holding Alice, and was side by side with 'her'. A scowl was found upon my face as I watched them. The little girl opened her eyes and smiled at me, and I smiled back some. After hours have passed we finally made it to a large house. Kara looked around the back trying to find someone. "Y/n?" I heard my 'lover' (if I should even call him that anymore) ask. I just ignored him.

The Android came back with a woman and we headed inside. She said we could take Alice upstairs and put her to sleep. The woman, who I found out was Rose, asked to talk to Kara so I said I'd look after Alice. All three of them headed downstairs. "Y/n?" The little girl said my name. "Yes, little one?" "Do you like Luther?" I smiled some. "I love him. More than anything. Yet at the moment I don't think he feels the same anymore" I said honestly. "But don't you worry about that. You just get some rest." Kissing her forehead I took a step outside of the room.

"What did you mean?" A voice beside me asked. Luther appeared beside me. I just glanced at him and looked back down at the floor. "My dear, what's wrong?" He asked. I focused my mind anywhere but on him. I was still upset. I felt him grip my hand and connect to me. A flash of all the emotions I felt the past 12 hours rushed through my head like a record. "Y/N. I'm sorry you feel this way. I had no idea." He started. "Yes you did, Luther! I whisper yelled. You kept leaving me alone and excluded me out of everything. Since she came along it feels like I'm not even apart of your life anymore. Let alone your girlfriend!" I cried out as tears started to fall harshly. "Last night, you ran in front of them first not even caring about my safety, and when you were standing with Kara you were so focused on you're little 'family' you didn't even notice I wasn't there!"

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to upset you or make you so jealous." He said softly. "I'm not jealous!" I scoffed "But my dear you are, and you shouldn't be. I'm only with you, I love you with everything I have. You're my one and only. Yes I admit it would be nice to have a family, a daughter like Alice, but only if it was with you. I couldn't imagine the rest of my days spent with anyone but you." He pushed a piece of my H/C hair behind my ear. His words played like a broken record and I couldn't help but smile through my tears. "I'm sorry." I whispered. He just lifted my head up and kissed me passionately.

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