A New Start for Us ~ Kara X Female!Android Reader

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Kara's POV

We were almost to the bus station, we only need to go a few more blocks. The guards on the street were everywhere. Y/N, Alice, and I have dogged every single one up till now. "Shit. Kara there's a check point. We won't be able to go that way! We need to take the long way round, it will be safer for Alice." The other Android started. "We can't, we don't have enough time! Trust me everything will be fine, just stay calm." I said as if trying to convince myself.

Walking up to the two guards at the checkpoint I took a deep breath. "ID please." One guard asked. "Yes, here they are" I spoke while reaching into my back pocket. "What are you doing out, there's deviants running about. You need to get back home" he spoke getting a better grip on his guns. 'Kara they suspect something' Y/N said. "Our daughter was at a sleep over but she ended up getting sick. We went to pick her up and take her home." "Yeah, I can see she's trembling. Well. Alright, just make sure to get her to a doctor, yeah?" "We will. Bright and early tomorrow. Have a nice night, officers" Y/N said convincingly as she picked up Alice. "You too, Ma'am" he replied.

"That was close. Too close Kara!" "I know. But we are fine for now. Let's just make it to the bus station alright?" I said turning to look at them. "Also... Our daughter?" She questioned with a sly smirk on her face. I could feel my face heat up. "Well, yes. It would be most believable." I said quickly hiding my true feelings. "Mhm. Say whatever you want doll face but I know the truth. I'm just waiting for you to say it" she replied with a smug look. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Let's hurry to the bus station."

~~Le Time Skip as well as Y/N POV~~

Walking up to the line full of people to ride the bus we finally rested. "No one gets on the bus without a bus pass!" We heard a soldier say. "God. What do we do now?" I whispered trying to not wake Alice. "Stay here I'll find some tickets." She said placing her hand on my shoulder. Walking over to a bench I pulled Alice close to me to keep her warm. "Y/N?" The young girl called. "Yes sweetheart?" "What do you think Canada will be like". "Well I for one, know that it's going to be amazing. We will find a nice little apartment to settle down into. You'll go to a nice school with other children you can play with, and-" "and you and Kara will get married?!" She said interrupting my sentence. Looking down at her small face I can see it filled with excitement. Chuckling to myself I answered honestly. "Yes. You will have two mothers that will love you with all of there hearts. Now close your eyes and rest. We have a long drive."

"I got the tickets. Let's go" Kara said grabbing our bags. She handed the guard our passports and tickets. "Go ahead" he said emotionless. We grabbed a row of seats in the back and waited till we were on the road. "Kara.. how did you get the tickets. I saw no booths open to sell them." I said nervelessly, Scared of her answer. "I-I stole them. There was a family, they dropped them and I took them when no one was looking." She answered truthfully. "Before you say how wrong that was, I know. But they would be safer than we would! We are androids, we have to leave this place." "I know Kara. I know. Let's just focus on starting our lives okay?" I said grabbing her hand. "Okay. She is something isn't she?" She asked glancing down at Alice. "Oh believe me. She is something else. You would not believe what she asked me." I said laughing. "What did she say?" "Oh somewhere along the lines of 'are you going to get married'" "and w-what did you say?" She stamped with here cheeks going red. "Now now. That is something for another day."

No other words were said during our long bus ride. Endless roads passed, with trees blocking the view of the sky. "Ladies and gentlemen. As we approach, there will be a security check! All must enter and be scanned." A man on the intercom said. "Y/N what are we gonna do?!" Kara exclaimed. "I'm not sure. We will just have to wait and see. I don't like the idea but it's the only one we've got." I said truthfully. We headed inside and went inside one of the lines. "Android!" A man said and two guards shot it down. "Kara. If things go south... I'll do what it takes for you two to get across that boarder." I said looking into her eyes. "I can't ask you to do that Y/N! I couldn't live with myself if you did!" She cried with tears in her eyes.

"Next please!" The guard said. "Stay here. Do whatever you must for her. I love you, the both of you." I pulled her close and kissed her. "Alice you be a good girl alright." I said ruffling her hair. "I said next!" The man griped. Slowly I walked up to window with my passport. "Papers please." Slowly I handed him the papers. "Stand still ma'am." He grabbed his scanner and scanned me. It made a loud alert sound. Two guards pushed me towards the ground with their guns on my back. Looking up one last time I seen tears streaming down their faces. "Fire!" I felt the bullets pierce my skin and destroy my core. Blue blood started to deep down my body and onto the floor.

"Y/N!" Alice cried as she ran to me and held onto me. "Alice. We-we have to go." Kara said choking up on her words trying to pull her away from me. I felt my body shutting down, my censors were failing and the world was losing color. With what strength I had I grabbed her hand. "K-KarA... I W-wOuLD hAve m-m-MArriedD YoU.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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