Birthday Girl ~ Markus X Reader

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Markus' POV

It was almost 9 in the morning. I was preparing breakfast for Carl and Y/N, today was a special day. It was Y/N's birthday and Carl requested I strung up decorations and make a registration for La Daé Montre, a restaurant Y/N enjoys very much. After placing both breakfast trays on the dining table I went and woke Carl.

"My, my. Today's the big day. Y/N turns 26, she's not my little girl anymore is she?" He asked me as I prepared his medicine. "Now Carl, she may be growing up. But she will always be your daughter and love you more than you could know. Now let's get you ready and downstairs before I wake her." As I was preparing his daily bath I couldn't help but to think of the Y/H, H/C woman. How she smiles when she paints with her father, or the sound of her laughter. The way she thinks she is anything but perfect, makes me feel so helpless. I wish there was more I could do, but I'm just an Android, designed to do nothing more than take orders.

After the artist was done with his bath and I was helping him into his wheelchair he asked "Markus, what are your thoughts on my daughter?" Startled by his words I took a moment to think of the proper way to answer his question. "Well, she is an extraordinary woman, with many talents and has a caring nature." "No no. Not that way. How do you truly feel, I see the way you look at her. And the way she looks at you, blame it all on your program but I know the truth. The eyes are the window to the soul. You make her very happy, and I can tell you feel the same." He stayed pointing a finger at me with a low chuckle. "Don't be afraid to stand for what you believe. Who knows, you could win it all"

After rolling Carl to the dining room I went upstairs and knocked on Y/N's door. "Yes?" She called out. "Good morning, Y/N. Breakfast is ready whenever you're done getting ready. Your father is awaiting your company" I said. "I'll be right down, Markus!" I smiled as she said my name and walked back down to the living room. A little while has passed and she came into the dining room with a smile on her beautiful face and her E/C eyes glistening. "Happy birthday, my little angel" Carl called out. "Yes, Happy Birthday Y/N" I stated. "Guys this is amazing, but you didn't need to decorate everything!" "Oh nonsense! It's not everyday that you have a birthday. It's a day to celebrate! And today is all about that! Markus, can you please bring me the gift I had you wrap please?" Walking out into the foyer I grabbed the small present and handed it to Carl. "My dear, I know this isn't much but your mother would want you to have it." Carl said.

As she opened it, it was a pearl necklace with an opal stone in the middle. "This was.." "your mother's. I know. You always loved putting. It on as a little girl" he said tearing up. "Markus can you help me?" She asked. I took the necklace in my hands and gently put it around her neck and latched it. "You look just like her." Carl smiled. "Thank you so much, dad. I love it, and I love you."

~time skip to after dinner at La Daé Montre~

Pushing Carl back into the house and Y/N being right beside us. "Oh that man didn't know his left from his right I say! He kept tripping over his own feet!" Y/N said laughing. Earlier this evening a man had asked her to dance and let's just say he was not good at all. And that's putting it lightly. "But you must say he was very handsome yes?" Carl asked. "Papa, he was too... how should I put this, childish? Unorganized? I want a man who knows his way around, has a grip on life, can actually make me happy." She said holding his hand. "I know, I know. I hear it everyday. I just want you happy, see you settle down before my days are up." Carl said. "Now it's about time for me to turn in. Happy birthday my dear. Markus, I won't need your assistance tonight" "are you sure Carl?" "Yes, quite sure. Goodnight you two." He said and winked at me.

"Well, tonight has been, eventful." I said striking up a conversation. "Yes I suppose it has. Thank you, so much Markus. Not just for today, but everyday your in my dads and I's life. You really have made his life more happy. Especially since losing mom, and Leo flying off the handle. You make it easier and less like a nut house." She said and grabbed my hand. I guess this is it. Now or never. "Y/N, I have something to tell you. Please, just hear me out. When I first started working for your father and you I had no clue what was going to happen. Each day I felt more and more closer to you both. Him like a father and you in a more... evolved state, I should say. I know it's unheard of, for an android to fall for his master. I figured it had to be a fault in my codes, but every time I did a diagnostic test, I was fine. Yet here I am, feeling more and more alive as I stare into your E/C eyes and hear your soft voice. I really like you, in fact I might even love you." She didn't say a word. Instead she put her hand to the side of my face and kissed me deeply. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed back.

"I've been waiting a century to hear those words." She stared holding my hands. "I love you too." "ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!" We hear Carl shout from above us.

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