Meeting Bilbo, the Rest of the Dwarves, and Gandalf

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After five minutes of I-Spy, Jael began to get very bored. However, since Kili and Fili liked it, and they weren't asking her questions anymore, she decided to tolerate the game.

There are only so many times I can try to find something green in this foreST!!!! I'm about done with this game.

As Kili said, "I-spy with my little eye something green" for the fiftieth time, Jael banged her head against a tree trunk.

I should never have introduced this game to them. Just....kill!!!!

However, before Jael could do anything too drastic like ending her life, or Kili's or Fili's, they entered the outskirts of the Shire. She instantly turned their attention away from the game by emitting a loud noise that was in no way reminiscent of a squeal.

Their tiny houses are so cute!!!!!!!!! I've always loved the Shire, whether in the movies and the books, and now I'm here!!!!!!!!!!!

While she was trying valiantly, and failing, to conceal her fangirling, Kili and Fili were already arguing about the direction of Bilbo's house.

After three minutes, Jael's fangirling had calmed down, and she finally noticed that the boys were still arguing. She stopped one of the passing hobbits and asked, "Do you know where Bilbo Baggin's house is from here?"

He gave her directions, and she turned to the dwarves with a smirk. "What is it with guys and being against asking for directions?"

They frowned at her, but followed anyway, not wanting to be left behind. "How did you know to ask for his house? We never told you we were going there?"

She froze, panicking. How do I explain that?!?!?!?! Brain? Why have you failed me? Come up with a believable lie! Please?!

"You also live in a place neither of us have ever heard of, with a breed of dog that does not exist, and a tent and bow that we have never seen."

"Uh.......haha...about that..."

"You aren't from this world, are you?"

Jael tensed, the only thing in her head was a loud drawn-out scream of terror. They know!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do I do? What do I do?

While she was panicking on the inside, her face didn't show any of it, and her mouth opened without her consent. "Yes, I am. I was afraid that you would not believe me or that you would think I was crazy and that is why I didn't tell you. I apologize."

"Yes, but that doesn't tell us how you knew to ask for Bilbo or how you knew about Gandalf, the Shire, and Bree."

"In my world there are legends of Middle Earth. There are little anecdotes of different people and places and things, and it is highly popular because our world does not have dwarves or elves or hobbits or wizards or goblins."

Who in blazes is talking because I can tell you right now...that I am exceedingly grateful for the smooth deliverance of that speech because I for sure would have stumbled over my words. I guess shock really can do wonders.

"Some of the people in Middle Earth were written about; Bilbo and Gandalf were just two of the ones that had stories recorded."

Kili and Fili would have continued asking, but they were easily distracted by the appearance of Bilbo Baggins' house.

Jael had never been so glad to see a house in all her life, and she would have gladly kissed it, if Kili and Fili would have still considered her semi-normal after witnessing it. However, she knew they wouldn't, and she decided against it.

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