Welcome City Hall Part 4

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Naruko walk up to the Receptionist  and the Receptionist  look up at Naruko hi how can I help you

Naruko- hi am here to see my dad Mayor Minato Namikaze am his Daughter Naruko Namikaze she  toll the Receptionist

the Reception- oh your Mayor Namikaze Daughter he is wait for you you can go on up and who is this your boyfriend and want to see him to

Naruko -yes he does and walk to the Elevator and Naruko push the Elevator button

Naruko and Sasuke walk  into the Elevator and the buttor that floor that her father office is on and rode the Elevator  up the floor the Elevator doors open so Sasuke and Naruko walk out of the Elevator and walk down the hall to Minato  office  they Knock  on the door

Minato- come in

Naruko and Sasuke walk into the office and they said

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Naruko and Sasuke walk into the office and they said

Naruko-dad we are here and you want to see us dad

they took a sit in font of Minato office desk

Minato - yes I did want to see you two me and your mother got you guys a wedding gift he got out there wedding gift and here it is

Sasuke - he took the wedding gift it was Envelopes and he open it the envelope and put out a deed out for a House Sasuke look at Naruko and said your mother and father got us a house and it was right beside there house

Naruko -a what Sasuke

Sasuke - a house sweetied

Naruko look at  her father and said to him

Minato- yes sweeties me and your mother got you two  House it are wedding gift from us to you two

Naruko -dad you didn't have to we could living at the Uchiha

Minato-me and mother want to and we will take care of the bills and house paint

Sasuke -Mr Namikaze I could ask my family to help pay house bills

Minato- Sasuke I did ask your father if he want to go in on the house  he toll me and my wife no he not happy that you are married to my Daughter your mother and brother was happy about it but not him

Sasuke -not my father who we are talking  about my father said I married your daughter because I love her and she love me and we are happy look at Naruko

Minato- do take care of her Sasuke but if you hurt her am not fraid to hurt you 

Naruko-daddy be nice or am tell mom you are threat to hurt your son in law

Minato -what he know it threat Naruko

Sasuke - Mr Namikaze I call never hurt Naruko she love of my life and my high school sweet heart and we have family someday  or after we get out of high school or college

Naruko -oh Sasuke hug him you are so sweet  dad we better go and see are new home than go home go see mom see you when you get home dad

Naurko got out of her chair and kiss her dad bye and both walk out of the office door down the hall to the Elevator Sasuke push the Elevator button

Minato- bye and see you two when I get home

so Minato walk back to his desk and when back to work when Jiraiya walk in to Minato office

Jiraiya- you  and Kushina got them a house than going back home

Minato-yes me and Kushina got them a house dad house of there own do they can be so they can be husband and wife dad

Jiraiya-that was sweet of you and Kushira but does your mother know that you did this for them

Minato-no not yet but was going to tell her tonight when you and come over for dinner remember

Jiraiya- oh yeah I for got there for min think for remind me  Minato well I get to see my granddaughter

Minato -dad how you forget that you and mom are having dinner with us but your welcome that remind you of dinner with us and Sasuke and Naruko are going to be there to before they move out and move in to there on home

Jiraiya- are you going to be okay be coming empty nester when Naruko  move out eith Sasuke to new house

Minato- you want the truth no I wont be fine when she move out but have let her be a married woman and let her have her on life with her husband so have to try dad she my Daughter and she in love and happy with Sasuke am try but we did bay them a house for them

Jiraiya-that you did son that you did

after work Minato and Jiraiya Minato pick up his work and put it in ta stack and got his stuff and Jiraiya when to get his stuff Minato walk out of his stuff down the hall to the Elevator when got to the Elevator and wait for his dad  when he see his dad coming down the hall to the Elevator

Minato- what took you so long push the Elevator button and Elevator doors open and walk in the Elevator Push button and Elevator when down to the  Push  lobby button the Elevator door open

Minato and Jiraiya walk in to the Elevator and the it when to the  lobby floor

Jiraiya-i ran in to receptionist who hand me some paper that I need you look over before me or you sign them

Minato-dad you know I don'tlike take work home with me I like to spin some time with my wife and Daughter

Jiraiya- I know that but she married now

Minato- I know but I still spin time with her  and since Sasuke join the family he spin time with us to  and dad you know what he tell me

Jiraiya-no what he tell you

Minato- that his family never spin time together with him and his brother did and there his mom but his father never spin time together with them

Minato and Jiraiya  walk out of the Elevator and walk out walk throw the lobby and walk out of the city hall and Minato got in to the car and driver got in the driver side Minato  roll down his window  and said

Minato - see you at the house dad

Jiraiya -okay

Minato roll the window back and Jiraiya got in to his car and Minato toll his driver

Minato- home Sam

Sam the driver- yes sir

Sam driver Minato home to his to his family have nice dinner and spin some time with them like he does every night

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