going to the movies Part 15

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when the sundshine throw the window and Kushina  turn over she hate sunshine in the morning turn over and face her husband and when back to sleep

Naruko- woke up and see her husband was still a sleep so she got out of her bed and walk to the bathroom and closed the door  to the bathroom turn on the light  in the bathroom walk over to  the tub  and turn on water on Naruko  took her night grown off and  underwear off got wash rag out and towel  out and sit on counter and got rag and got in the bathtub  she turn off the water and lay back in the tub to have nice hot bath and let her husband sleep in bed

Naruko-this feel good and rest to

Naruko put the rag over her eyes and lay back

Sasuke- take a bath with out me huh

Naruko took the rag off her eyes and look at the door and see Sasuke

Naruko-i though you was still a sleep

Sasuke-i woke and feel you was not in bed beside me and see light under  the door

Naruko- so you though you come in here an see what you beautiful  wife  was doing

Sasuke walk over to the tub and sit  down on  floor  beside the tub and smile at his wife

Sasuke - what if I did want to come here to see my wife be with here to

Naruko- you just say that so you see me like this

Sasuke- what Nake maybe did Naruko

sasuke just smile at his wife and kiss wife  so he move so she can get out of the tub  she stand up and got the her towel  and wipe I around  her and got out of the tub  both walk over to the counter and blush  there teeth  and comp there hair  Sasuke kiss his wife  and over to the shower turn the water  on got out of his night pants  and boxers off and night shirt got out a towel and wash rag and  got in the shower  Naruko  walk out  back into  the bedroom and walk over to the dresser  and drawers  and open the dresser drawers open it got out her bar and underwear  and lay them on the bed and when to the closet and open the doors got out a cute sundress and the cute shoes  go with it walk back out of the closet  and closed  the door walk back to bed put  the shoes on the floor and took the towel off  and put it in the dirty clothes hamper and put on bar and underwear  and put on  her sundress  and shoes when she was ready she see Sauke walk out of the bathroom back in the bedroom

Naruko- feel better now you took a shower

Sasuke-yeah  I do and now going  to get ready and take  my lovely  wife  out for a nice day out to have fun  before we have to go back to school tomorrow

Naruko- I like that going out with my husband  and have nice day out just us

Sasuke-am happy you  like that walk over to dresser  and open drawers and got his boxers out and closed the drawers and walk to the closed and open  the door and walk in the closed and got out jeans and nice shirt  got his shoes  closed the closet  door and walk back to the dresser and open the socks drawer and got pile of socks and close  dresser drawers walk back  over to the bed  put his shoes on the floor put on his jeans and shirt and button and zipped up his jeans and put on his shirt sit on the bed put on his socks and shoes  walk out of the bedroom

Sasuke- you ready to go out

Naruko-yes  let me get my parse and phone  and we can be on are way

Sasuke -okay Naruko

so Naruko got her parse  and cellphone  both walk out of there room walk down the stairs see that Naruko mom and dad was still in bed  sleep 

Naruko- guess mom and dad are still in bed a sleep

Sasauke- guess so let leave them a note and you got your cellphone  to they can call us to

Naruko- sure I can leave  them a note 

Sasuke - okay love I be out in the car

Naruko- okay

she kiss hime and he walk out to the  door and walk out to his car

dear mom and dad 

me and Sasuke are going  out for the day before or after dark  and got my cellphone  if you need to call to see where we are at   

                                                                                                                                               love your daughter Naruko

she left it on the table in the kitchen walk out of the kitchen and walk out the door to Sasuke  car and got in and closed the door and put her sitbelt  on and  she smile at Sasuke

Sasuke-are you ready to go

Naruko-yes am ready to go

so Sasuke  put out of the car in diver and drive down the road to what they can do

Sasuke-so what do you want to do first want to go see a movie or go to the mall and walk around

Naruko-let go and see a movie and after we can go get some lunch after 

Sasuke-sound good to me love

Naruko- okay

so Sasuke  and Naruko when to the movie  do want to see 

Naruko - so what movie do you want to go see Sasuke

Sasuke -we can go see  what playing  when we get there to see what playing

Naruko -we can do that

Sasuke- okay

so Naruko and Sasuke  put in to the movie park lot and find park spot put in parkthe car and turn the car off Sasuke got his keys out both got out of the car Sasuke  took his wife hand and walk  onhe sidewalk walk up to the ticket booth 

Naruko look at the movies to see what playing

Naruko- let see what movie is playing  can  we see Peter Rabbit

Sasuke-sure walk up to the glass booth two tickets  for Peter Rabbit

ticket person- 20.31 and hand them the tickets

Sasuke hand her the money and both walk in when to  the build and hand them him the tickeys and when  to the room where Peter Rabbit is playing  at walk in fine a sits in middle row  and wait for the movie to started so  Naruko got her cellphone  out and turn it down to it was on volume so when  movie started  it wont  get people mad and put back her phone back in her parse

Sasuke- do you want anything for the movie started

Naruko- no am good I can wait to we go to get lunch after the  movie but if you want to go and get something you can

Sasuke- no am fine love


when more people came into watch the movie Sasuke got his cell phone down to vibrate and put  his phone back  up when the  movie Sasuke and Naruko watch the movie and have nice day just the two of them

when the movie was over and walk out of the movie theater got back to Sasuke car and he unlock it and both got in the car and closed the doors both put there sit belt on and Sasuke  started  up the car and put out of the park spot when to get something to now

Sasuke- where do you want to go and eat at Naruko

Naruko- Koto sushi bar okay with you

Sasuke - yeah sound good to me

Naruko- okay

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