Kurenai yuhi Sarutobi Sensei Part 11

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Naruko walk to home Eck and first Naruko when to her locker and got her home Eck book and notebook and when to class that cross the hall a door down walk in to class and took her sit in the middle and sit down put her books on her desk see Hinata and Ino , Temari and Tenten  came in and took there sit beside her and behind her

Kurenai Sensei walk in to the class and bell ring before late bell ring next and it did everyone was in class and the class said

class-hello Kurenai Sensei

Kurenai Sensei-hello class how was your guys summer

Naruko look at Ino and said guess am not the only one who got married over the summer

Ino- guess not look like Kurenai Sensei got married to over the summer

Narulo-guess she got married at beginning of summer and I got married at the  end of summer

Kurenai Sensei- are you two talk about me and hope it good

it was a goodthing Kurenai Sensei I think  Naruko see your wedding ring

Kurenai look down at her wedding ring look back up at and look at them how they know that got married

Naruko said Kurenai Sensei you not the only one who got married me and Sasuke married at the end of summer

Naruko- yes we did get married at the end of summer

look at Kurenai Sensei see the wedding ring on Naruko finger

Kurenai Sensei- they are married to I hear rumor are true that you and Sasuke did get married just like me and Asuma did at the beginning of Summer

okay now we have work now class okay and the class look at here and they started

Kurenai Sensei open your book to page 200 to 209 and when are going to be cooking today and we are going to be making  curry them the I recipe so she hand them the curry recipe  now and fix the curry am going to pick your parthers

Naruko and Ino

Hinata, kiba, Shino

Neji,Tenten , Suigetsu

Gaara ,Kankuro.Rock Lee

Shikamaru and Temari

so the class got up and when to there Station to fix the curry

Naruko look at there  recipe doing what the recipe tell them to do and Ino help with the rest and cooking the curry Naruko

Naruko-my mom did and grandma did to so had two  people to let  run from and love cook with my mother side before she passway

Naruko-yes it was she love to cook when me, and dad come over to her house to have dinner on Saturday night she always ask if me and mom want to help I always tell her yes all the time but when she passway thing mom when on to learn how to cook with her so I been cooking ever since

if me and sasuke are home alone I can cook for him to see how he like my cooking

Naruko - I word love to for my husband

Ino-you sure do that for him he would love that from you

Naruko - smile he would love that from me

Ino -yeah husband love there wife when they see home cooking on the table for them

Naruko - think my grandmother on my mom would be happy that fine someone who love me and care for me to

Ino -think sure be happy to see  you with Sasuke and happy married to

Naruko- yeah

when the curry was done for everyone Kurenai Sensei came around and taste them some was good and some not so much  thing she came to Naruko and Ino and she try there curry and there was good

Kurenai Sensei - who tought   you to cook like this

Naruko- my mom and grandmother on my mom side of the family

Kurenai Sensei - your curry is good and you class can take rest of your curry home and there some to go plates

the class got the  to go plates and put there curry in and put there name on  the to got plates  to take them home and wash up the dishes and put them away for a another day of home Eck than the bell ring or class to be over

Kurenai Sensei-okay I see you tomorrow class

the class got there books and notebook and walk out of the class room to there locker

Naruko-walk to her locker and open her locker door and put her home Eck and note back in her locker and close her locker walk down to study hall

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