Sakura and Gaara tell hold school that Sasuke and Naruko are married Part 6

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Alarm clock when off Sasuke was the first to wake up and kiss his wife good morning she open her eyes and smile at her husband

Sasuke - good morning Naruko it time to get up it are second day back at school he kiss her

Naruko- am up Sasuke do we have go back today school so that  Sakura to tell me you are hers and not my she has always love you when I know you love one person who is me

Sasuke- yes sweeties I have am no one else but your man now it time to get ready for tody

Naruko-fine am I go get ready

Sasuke and Naruko got out of bed and got school uniform out for today and walk in to the bathroom turn on the shower and Naruko took off her night grown and un wear got a towel and rag and sit on the toilet sit got her rag and got to the showers and let water fall over so she got the fag and wash up thing she wash her hair when she was done she turn water off and got out and got her bar and panties on put her school uniform on and blow dry her hair and put her in pigtail walk out of the bathroom

Naruko- Sasuke the shower is ready you can go in the bathroom now

Sasuke -okay thank you Naruko he got his school uniform and walk into the bathroom for his showers

Naruko- am going down stairs Sasuke

Sasuke- okay I meet you down there Naruko

Naruko okay

Naruko got her backpack and walk out of her and Sasuke room and when down downstairs and walk down the stairs and walk into the kitchen and see her mom cooking breakfast

Naruko - morning mom

Kushina-morning  Naruko are you this morning and where is Sasuke

Naruko- he in the showers sit down at the table hey where dad at

Kushina- your dad had already left for work this morning

Naruko-oh okay

thing Sasuke came down stairs with his school uniform on and his back pack on his back and walk in to the kitchen

Sasuke -good morning Kushina

Kushina-good morning Sasuke breakfast is ready so come and eat before it get cold you two

So Sasuke came sit down beside Naruko and Kushina bring them there breakfast

Kushina - eat up you two thing be on your way to school

Naruko - we will m but what are you doing today

Kushina- oh I have earands and thing am going out to lunch with Sasuke mom

Sasuke- tell mom I said hi for me and tell her I love her for me

Kushina- sure sweeties I tell your mom that for you Sasuke

Sasuke - thank you  Kushina can you tell mom aand to tell Itachi that I said ih to

Kushina - sure

Sasuke - thank again Kushina

Kushina- your welcome

Kushina look at the clock okay you two flinsh eating and you need to go to school

at city hall Minato was at his desk when his father walk in to his office Minato look up from his work

Minato- morning dad how are you this morning and what did mom do with the deed to the house

Jiraiya - morning to you to  Minato and your mother when to the realter and she erturn the house you give Sasuke and Naruko and got back your money Minato son am sorry about your mother she had no right to do that to them when you got them a great wedding gift

Minato- it fine dad and Naruko it not mad at me but she is upset but something tell me she mad at mom

Jiraiya- she has every right to be mad at her Grandma she was happy about the house you and Kushina got them the next your mom took away from them your mother is  thing I can tell you that but am going to try to  see if I can get the house back for them

Minato- to late it back on the marker I see back on the sites  and some one else got the house and the people who got the house the estate agent just call me back when I call them this morning about get the house back


hi this is Minato Namkiaze calling about the house that beside my and wife to see if I can get back so can call me back at (xxx)xxx-xx-xx thank you

(end of flashback)

when back to that when they back to me and toll the house was sold a again to someone else got the house


the estate agent - hi is this Minato Namkiaze  and all you call the about the house that you and wife got for son in law and daughter

Minato-yes I did I was trying to get it back for them

the estate agent - am sorry Mr Namkiaze when we got the house back we put it back up and other couple had got the house now sorry and is you mother Tsunade

Minato- yes she is

the estate agent- your mother said not to let you bay another house for two sixteen old am sorry  Mr Namkiaze

Minato- that okay thank you

the estate agent - your welcome

(end of flash back)

Minato - that what she toll me so think to mom I can't get my Daughter a house

Jiraiya- am so sorry Minato I really  am son

Minato it okay mybe when they are eighteen I can get a house 

Jiraiya- well  I let you get back to work son

Minato - okay

so Jiraiya walk out of Minato office and Minato when back to work on the papers that need to be look over and sign so they can pass  and so on

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