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Tonight Zoe was having Y/N over. While they'd be watching there chic flix or whatever girls do at sleepovers, it would be me, myself, and I smoking.

I got away with this by going to a park since they didn't want me smoking inside when we had guest over.

I had came back to the house around 7 for dinner. As soon as I walked back into the house mom had told me to go up and tell Zoe dinner was ready, I did as she said cause I felt so high I didn't even bother to argue with her.

When I walked up to Zoe's room I heard her and Y/N yelling but I wasn't sure what it was about. Once I knocked on the door everything went silent. It took a while till I heard footsteps making there way towards the door. Zoe opened up.

"Mom says dinner is ready, she want you and Y/N to come down and eat." I told her. She looked at me and then she closed the door leaving only Y/N in the room.

"Have you been smoking?" She asked me. "Ya, why does that matter to you?" I asked her. She gave me this dumbfounded look. "Really? On the night I'm having a guest over?" "Why are you over reacting right now? I smoke all the time and I went somewhere else anyways it's not like I did it here." I told her.

She made her way down the hallway. She opened the door to my bedroom. As soon as she opens the door the smell of all kinds of smoke smells cane wafting out. "Just, ugh, please-" I had had enough and I followed the "house rules" and I was still getting s*** from Zoe.

"Shut up." I told her. She looked at me with a 'I want to smack you right now' look. "Connor, all I'm doing is telling you to-" I cut her off again. I grabbed her wrist, and looked her dead in the eyes. "You don't tell me what to do, if you say one more thing, I'll make your life more of a living Hell." She looked frightened. I had to get my point across even if it meant those means.

She began to walk back towards her room. And I walked downstairs, but right as I was about to take the first step down the stairs I looked back and I locked eyes with Zoe who had her hand on the doorknob of her room. I turned away and continued my way downstairs.

As soon as Zoe came downstairs she looked at me but I didn't look back at her. Mom was getting everyone's plates ready. Dad was on his phone probably checking emails. And Zoe set up another chair for Y/N cause we only had four chairs at the table.

"Here you go everyone, it's fish and with a side of mashed potatoes, a biscuit, and corn." My mom smiled. Everyone started to eat. Everything was quite till I heard Zoe say something to Y/N and they both laughed.

I glared over at Zoe to stop, but then I accidentally made eye contact with Y/N and she smiled at me. I looked away, and then I saw from the corner of my eye Y/N looked kind of hurt without a smile in return, but then she went back to talking to Zoe.

It had been fifteen minutes and everyone was done eating and I headed up to my room. "Hey, Y/N, I'll be up in a little bit I just need to use the restroom." I heard Zoe say to Y/N. "Okay." Y/N responded.

I headed up stairs and just about opened my door to my room but then I heard what I thought was Zoe. "Hey, Connor." "Go away." I about yelled but then I turned around and it was Y/N.

We made eye contact and didn't say anything for a few seconds. I turned back around to my door. "Sorry, I just wanted to say hi, I guess I'll leave you alone now." Y/N broke the silence. She walked over to Zoe's door and I turned around back to her. "Make sure Zoe doesn't bother me, okay." I told her. She looked back at me and smiled. "Okay." And she went into Zoe's room.

I walked into my room as well. What's her deal with always smiling at me, I thought to myself. My room felt cold but then really everything felt cold. But there was something about Y/N she just... she gave off this vibe of warm ness. That's felt foreign to me, I couldn't decide if it was the good kind of foreign or the bad kind.

Sometimes I could get lost in my thoughts but a knock at my door took me out of my thoughts. The knocking continued, I didn't get up. Then another knock, it was starting to get annoying. So I yelled "What the f***?! Do you want!?" The knocking stopped. Then I heard a small voice. "It's Y/N. Umm can I come in?"

Why was she wanting to come in my room? I got up anyways letting her in. Why was I doing this? I thought. I opened my door and let Y/N, I closed the door not wanting the smell of smoke coming out.

"Why aren't you with Zoe right now?" I asked her. She looked up at me. "Zoe had to go check on a friend real quick." She said. "And why are you in here?" I asked her. "Well, I was getting kind of lonely and I figured you were probably lonely as well so I thought to lonely people at the moment would change that." There was a warm vibrant feeling that cake off of her.

Part of me wanting to push her out of my room and the other wanting to let her stay. Why was I acting like this? "So how's your senior year going so far?" Y/N asked me. "How do you think?" I responded, there was only ever one option for me and that was "Bad?" She suggested. I nodded.

Part of me wanting to keep the conversation going so I asked her a question. "How's your junior year going so far?" Y/N looked surprised I kept the conversation going, and I mean I couldn't blame her. "Actually, I'm not sure yet." She laughed.

Part of me wanting to laugh with her but I didn't know why. "So Connor Murphy, what movies you like?" I really had no response to this but then I got one. "Disney, obviously." This made her laugh and it made me smile.

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