The Lions Den

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I opened my eyes, the room was dark and damp leaving my eyes struggling to adjust. Still locked in the cellar I assumed. I don't know how long I've been here, in the dark, on this island. Angelica was gone, for now. I felt relief rush through me as I looked around the small room finding the small wooden table that had once been covered in toys, leather and metal cleared. My wrists ached and itched, I couldn't see in the dark but I'm sure they were red and bruising. I was still tied down to this wretched wooden chair sturdy and too strong for me to break. My bindings were leather cuffs attached to the arms and legs of the chair. I wriggled my arms in the bindings trying to find a weak spot. As my arms shook more and more intensely trying to escape while my brain raced. My heart pounded in my chest and the uncontrollable rush of anxiety was starting to build at an uncontrollable rate.  My whole body trembled as I shook my head side to side, desperation quickly taking over my mind. Every sensation was swelling within me the fear and panic, my heart racing and the nausea filing my stomach. I let out a scream. I screamed harder than I ever had. The noise resonated within my very soul. I was breaking. I let out another. And then a couple more, each one making my body shake with exertion. Finally with my voice hoarse I let out a sad pathetic squeak letting my body release entirely. My head dropped and my spine caved. The only thing keeping me up were these terrible restraints. Somewhere in the midst of all the screaming the agony of feeling helpless turned into rage and frustration for letting myself even get here. Burning hot tears ran down my cheeks. Just then a door I couldn't see creaked open and the sound of heels on concrete came taping from behind me. I shivered with fear but let my head stay hanging, refusing to acknowledge the woman who did this. 

"Darling, aren't you going to great your master?" I could hear the smirk in her voice. I gritted my teeth in response. Something in my heart felt feral, like a trapped dog. She took a few steps closer till she was behind the chair, I could almost feel her presence behind me. Every inch of my body stood in attention and anticipation. She snatched down and grab a decent chunk of hair close to my scalp and tugged tightly. I shrieked in pain and then she yanked it to the side exposing my neck. I took a sharp inhale of the damp air and bit my lip to stop the second yell from coming out. I tried not to look up at her from this angle. Below her. 

"Look!" she barked, reading my mind. My eyes strained to match hers from the uncomfortable position I was forced in. Our eyes matched. Her warm brown eyes startled me. They were beautiful and the cold grey light lit them unexpectedly well. I could fall in those eyes. I caught myself, what was I thinking? This is my captor we're talking about. I need to hate her. She smiled at my look it must've been pitiful. She lightly released my jaw, fingers stilling lingering but I jerked it out of her grasp trying to get rid of the feeling of her finger tips on my skin. 

"You're like a wild horse" she said while walking around to face me. She squatted down in front of the chair, lowering herself to would be eye level, but I actively stared at my lap letting my hair cover my face. She chuckled before lifting my jaw with two poised fingers to meet her gaze. I blew the strands of hair from my face with a huff. She smiled at me. The sight made my heart jump, there was no way around it, she was stunning. Her dark hair fell in light waves over her shoulder. She had changed into mostly civilian clothing, dark suit pants and a matching bolero, a stiff white blouse under,  and a cheeky oversized latex black pussy bow. 

"Sorry I had to cut our session short, I had a meeting with the board." she said and smiled sweetly as if this were some normal conversation. 

"How have you been holding up? Hungry? Thirsty? I brought down dinner if you want?" Angelica spoke like a concerned parent, as if she hadn't just attempted to rip my hair out. I shook my head No. I didn't want to succumb. But now that she mentioned it the nausea had given way to the dull ache of hunger and my throat still stung from screaming. 

" A nod is that all you'll give me?" She said disappointedly. I moved my jaw in frustration refusing to answer.

"Really, how immature." she clucked. "I'll pry the words out of you if I have too. Do you want me to do that?" I shook my head no, still keeping my eyes on my lap. She reached up and put her hand on my chin running her thumb against my lip. Through all the pain the soft touch felt nice and I let my guard down parting my lips to let out a breath. Without hesitating she pushed her thumb into my mouth and grasped down on my bottom jaw holding my tongue down. The forced entrance making me gasp in shock, opening wider and giving her more control all at once. She shook my jaw, my head accommodating her tugs. 

"Uhhhghn." I let out uncomfortably.

"What was that? hmm? are you going to speak for your master" she said jovially. Lifting her thumb. 

"f-ff-fuck off" I barley managed.

  "Now thats no good! I'll wash your mouth out next time. But for now I'm more interested in stuffing it with something else" Angelica smiled evilly. It made my stomach flip. 

She got up and walked to the door behind me, she lifted what sounded like a tray and maybe some silverware? I couldn't tell. She quickly returned with a plate of food. A pasta dish, some seasoned chunk of meat, a cup of soup, a baguette and quesadillas. 

"A sampling of tonights menu" she looked down and winked at me before sitting on the floor in front of me. My stomach grumbled without my permission and I silently cursed it. I couldn't remember when I last ate. Was it last night? the day before? I had no concept of time anymore. My mouth watered as the smells filled my nose.

"Couldn't let your beauty go to waste by starving you now could I." she murmured. I wanted to tell her to shut up but I wanted to eat more. 

"Well, whatcha want?"Angelica said dropping her formality. I almost smiled the words sounded so alien from her mouth.

"Q-quesadilla...please" I stuttered. I knew my stomach couldn't take anything heavy and the small triangles of cheesy goodness were calling me. Angelica smiled picking a slice up and took the first bite "Mmmhm, good choice." 

"Now, you cant eat with your wrist bound can you." she joked, "I could always feed you myself" she said actually pausing to think about it before looking at my aching frame. She lifted herself from her seated position and undid the leather cuffs attaching my poor burning wrists to the wood chair. As my wrists released I held them close to my body tenderly rubbing the sensitive skin. I was overly aware of my bound mid section and two ankles still unable to move. Angelica lifted the tray to my level and I gingerly picked up a quesadilla. Grasping it with two hands I held it up too my mouth before taking a large bite, the heat filled my mouth and then the flavor. Shredded cheese with bell peppers and shredded chicken. Yum! I moaned on instinct and regretted it immediately locking eyes with Angelica. She let out a low laugh. We sat in silence as we ate our slices of heaven. 

"Alright. I've decided I'm keeping you" Angelica's warm voice said almost affectionately. I furrowed my brows but was too exhausted to protest. My head ached from the strain of keeping my neck up and I felt myself starting to give-way to exhaustion. The cold had been seeping in and I was starting to shiver and shake all over. Angelica hummed as she undid the latches on my ankles and then walked to the back the chair where the last latch across my midsection was secured. Finding my legs and arms free I quickly envisioned myself fighting back and breaking free, but my body was weak and exhausted and even if I escaped Angelica I had no hope of getting off this bloody island! Angelica started undoing the last latch but not before putting on a small black collar with a dangling A symbol around my neck. She came back to the front of the chair lifting my weak limbs from the chair and picking me up bridal style. I felt my head roll into her shoulder and my cold body turned into her, into the heat of her body. I saw her smile before my vision blacked out completely. 


 Author Note:

Hey! I wrote the first chapter of this fic sometime in early middle school (which is apparent, sorry lol) I reread it and I wanted to build on the potential it had especially now that I've personally explored within the bdsm community and can write with a bit of personal experience, although this story does not currently show a healthy, realistic relationship what so ever and crosses lines outside of bdsm.  Anyway I'm hoping to continue this story and have a much better feel for the characters. I hope that if anyone reads this they'll like it :)

Meadow Mansion (lesbian bdsm)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें