Specialist - Searching

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Thor was distraught after the death of his brother. Preparing for the battle had managed to distract him, but when it was over, he had no idea what to do. Although many were lost, they were believed to be trapped in the soul world. Eventually, they could be retrieved from the soul world. However, he knew for sure that Loki was not. He was either dead, or in hiding, and Thor refused to believe that he was dead. Loki was out there somewhere, he knew it. There was no way he would go so easily.

He searched everywhere across the whole universe, but Loki was still nowhere to be found. He cursed himself for not paying more attention when Loki was speaking to Thanos, for not picking up a clue that Loki had to have left him.

Although he was a god, there were still places he could not directly access, the multiverse being one of them. However, Loki, being a Master Sorcerer, still could using Asgardian magic. So, he sought out the Masters of the Mystic Arts for help.

Thor never used to pay attention when they were being taught the more subtle touches of magic. He preferred the raw power of elemental control. That would have to change. Wong offered to teach him but he would have to actually work towards it to learn properly. He spent three days working with the sling ring non-stop until he could do it with barely a thought. His brother was on the line here, and he did not stop until it was perfect.

First he went into the Mirror Dimension and searched Midgard again. Loki was still nowhere to be found, so he entered the Dark Dimension. After weeks of searching, he finally picked up Loki's trail. He followed it through the Dark Dimension, sometimes winding up in loops but always on the move.

At last, he found Loki... in the clutches of Dormammu. Loki was swiftly moving and deflecting as Dormammu launched attack after attack at him. Before he could do anything, Thor found himself being snatched up. Loki took the opportunity to launch his own attack at Dormammu and he dropped Thor in shock. He fell and landed beside Loki. They only had a second to exchange a look before Dormammu started attacking again. They fought together, side by side, engaged in a deadly dance. Whichever side made the first mistake would lose the battle.

It turned out to be them.

A slash of energy broke through their shields. Although the shields absorbed most of the power and they did not get hurt, it broke their rhythm. Dormammu had them trapped in an instant. As he prepared the final blast that would end them, Thor saw an opportunity. He could move and attack again, giving them both a tiny chance to escape, or he could move and assure Loki's survival, sacrificing himself in the process. There was only a split second to act. Dormammu started to release the blast. Thor leapt.

Fanfic Bootcamp EntriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora