Captain - Tricksters

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Loki shook his head at everyone's stupidity. He changed his clothes into Midgardian ones and set off at a light jog. All of a sudden, he was stood in an empty room. In front of him appeared a man.

"Where have you taken me? And what is the meaning of this?" Loki demanded.

The man gave Loki a smirk and popped a piece of candy into his mouth.

"I think the question here is who are you? Why are you here? You don't belong here, you have foreign magic all around you."

"I am Loki Laufeyson or Odinson, Prince of Asgard."

The man showed no signs of fear at the name.

"You do not know me. Who are you?"

"I am the archangel Gabriel." Another beat of silence. "You don't seem to know me either. I would have thought everyone knew about the apocalypse."

Loki froze.

Gabriel popped another candy into his mouth. "So you do know about it."

Rage exploded from Loki in a blast of power, throwing Gabriel against the wall.

"Of course I know about Ragnarok! I started it! The end of the world too!"

Loki breathed heavily, getting himself back under control. He straightened up and glared at Gabriel, who had shakily stood back up.

"Why have you taken me here?"

"You're from an alternate universe."

"Then return me to my world."


Loki took a threatening step towards Gabriel.

"You felt my power, let me go."

Gabriel smirked, "This is my world, I am more powerful than you. Those are the rules of the game. You only caught me off guard."

"I draw my magic from around me, this world is full of it, meaning I'm stronger than ever."

"You can't kill me."

"Do you want to take that chance?" Loki unleashed another blast of power. "Let me go."

"Okay! Okay!"

His surroundings warped and Loki was back in the forest.

A silver blade flew past his head. He saw flickers of movement by a bush. He threw a dagger at it, stopping it a few inches from whoever was hiding there.

"Who's there? Step out from the trees."

Two people moved into view. The tall one held another silver blade.

"I'm Sam Winchester, that's my brother Dean."

"Are you with Gabriel?"

"No! We're after him."

Loki summoned his dagger back.

"As much as I hate to say it, I need help."


Loki stepped outside and released a blast that he knew Gabriel would feel. The boys had helped him find a spell before Castiel teleported them away and the only thing left was archangel blood.

Gabriel appeared in the air and gracefully dropped to the ground.

Loki flicked his wrists and knives appeared in his hands.

"What, no greeting?" Gabriel asked as he drew his archangel blade.

Loki ran at Gabriel. Right as he reached him, Gabriel disappeared and reappeared behind him. Loki ducked as Gabriel's blade passed through where his head was. He spun around and slashed at Gabriel's chest. Gabriel stepped back and teleported again. Loki waved his hand and copies of himself surrounded Gabriel. He made himself invisible while Gabriel was occupied. Gabriel flicked his hand and all of Loki's illusions dispersed. Loki managed to get close enough to attack, but Gabriel seemed to know where he was and blocked with ease. Ditching the invisibility, Loki opted for telekinesis instead. He launched a rock at Gabriel. Loki slashed at him again. Gabriel blocked it and returned with a strike of his own.

"Come on, Lokes. Is that all you got?" Gabriel taunted.

He jabbed at Loki. Loki slid under and cut his leg.

"No, but I'm winning anyway."

Gabriel hissed in pain as the gash healed. He gave Loki a cocky smile.

"Are you?"

He jabbed at Loki again, following up with a slash that caught him in the shoulder. Loki winced, but then smirked back at Gabriel when the cut healed too, albeit slower. Loki conjured a wall of daggers in front of him. Within a second, Gabriel had a wall of knives, mirroring Loki's.

"I guess we have the same type of powers. I'm just better."

Loki responded by launching his daggers forward, Gabriel's knives met them in the middle.

Trying to trip up Loki, Gabriel dropped the temperature below freezing.

"The rules may be those of your world's, but I don't play by the rules."

Spikes of ice shot out of the ground where Gabriel was standing and he teleported away just in time. With a wave of his hand the temperature returned to normal and a ball of fire was bearing down on Loki, who hastily raised a shield of ice.

"We are very different. Our difference lies not in what we can do with our powers, but rather how much power we have."

Loki pulled as much magic as he could contain from around them to himself.

"And I simply have more."

He released it, but unlike the other times, this was focused. All of it sped towards Gabriel in a beam of energy. His eyes widened in panic when he realized he couldn't teleport. He unfurled his wings from his back and wrapped them tightly around himself. The energy slammed into him and he flew backwards. He hit the ground and lay there, barely breathing.

Loki replaced the dagger in his left hand with the bowl of ingredients as he walked towards Gabriel. There were no visible injuries on the archangel or his wings, but he was stunned for sure. Loki dragged the dagger across Gabriel's arm. He barely got enough blood before the archangel healed. The spell would take him back to his universe, bringing him to whoever he had the strongest bond with.

He took one last look at this magic filled universe and dipped his fingers in the bowl. Almost instantly, his surroundings changed. He found himself in a sunny field, with a few trees, but most importantly, Thor was standing in front of him. He was watching a snake on a rock and sighed as it slithered off into the grass. He turned to head back in, and froze when he saw Loki standing there.

"Loki?" he whispered. "Loki. Loki!"

Thor ran to Loki and pulled him into a tight hug. Watching Sam and Dean had changed his perspective, and Loki realized he no longer wanted to be alone in the world. He wanted his brother at his side. He wanted to be able to have the same bond that the boys had. Sam and Dean had betrayed each other's trust before, but they never stopped believing in or caring about one another.

However, he didn't tell Thor any of that. Instead, he hesitantly returned the hug.

"The sun is shining on us, brother."

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