Commander - The Fall of Hogwarts

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Everything went to hell three years ago.

Neville sat in Dumbledore's office, shaky and pale. Dumbledore had just shown him his memory of the prophecy, told Neville that he was now the saviour of the wizarding world, and shown him Cedric's memory of what happened in the Graveyard. They had immobilized Cedric and then tied him to a tree, forcing him to watch what happened to Harry. After what happened with You-Know-Who and Harry's wand, Harry grabbed Cedric and ran towards the cup. A Death Eater fired the killing curse at them and Harry managed to push Cedric, putting himself in the way. Harry's lifeless body fell into Cedric's and knocked him onto the cup. That was where the memory ended, and Neville had seen the rest, rushing down with the crowd.

He realized that Dumbledore was talking and managed to catch the last few words.

"-onsible, do you understand?"

"I'm sorry, sir. Pardon?" Neville mumbled.

Dumbledore clearly didn't hear him properly though, as he gave Neville a smile with that twinkle in his eye.

"Great! Why don't you head back to your dorm and rest, I'm sure you've had a stressful day."

Taking it as the dismissal it was, Neville stood up and left, hoping that was it. He walked back to the Gryffindor tower on shaky legs that barely held him. He went up to the boys dorm and choked back tears when he saw Harry's empty bed.

As he lay on his bed that night he refused to think about Harry dying, because then he would have to face it. He thought about how at least he wasn't part of everything happening. Little did he know how wrong he was.

A few weeks later, Dumbledore called Neville to his office again, putting more pressure about the prophecy on him. Neville thought that maybe if he just didn't agree Dumbledore would leave him alone. Instead, it got worse. Way worse. Dumbledore released the prophecy to the public. He then publicly announced that there were two people who fit it, and now the only one was Neville. Snape seemed to hate him even more are finding out that it could have been him.

The wizarding world was in shambles. Cornelius Fudge was still vehemently insisting that Voldemort was not back, even though there were memories. Everyone was freaking out over the fact that Harry Potter, Boy-Who-Lived, Saviour of the Wizarding World, was killed. People were sending Neville hate mail and howlers, and the press was slandering him for trying to take Harry's position. Dumbledore made barely any effort to help. The bare minimum that he did was ignored, the minister still refusing to believe that You-Know-Who was back, and therefore refusing to believe anything the man that was saying it said.

Ron and Hermione were still friends with Neville, but they started distancing him, as if they had only been his friend for Harry's sake. When Dumbledore told Neville about the horcruxes and sent Hermione and Ron to hunt them with him it put a massive strain on their already failing friendship. They ended up ditching him one night while he slept, but at least they left a note of apology.

Neville stopped after that and went back to Hogwarts, leaving it to the Order of the Phoenix to deal with. They managed fine without him, destroying all the horcruxes except for the last one, which they found out was You-Know-Who's snake.

Umbridge was absolutely horrible. She picked on Neville a lot, and at one point, he feared her even more than he feared Snape. From what he heard, she went after Cedric a lot too, even going as far as using a blood quill.

When the Death Eaters took over Hogwarts, people started turning to Neville in a last desperate plea for help. But he couldn't do anything, and so once again everyone turned their backs on him.

The battle came and Nagini was still alive. Neville fought, trying to get closer to Nagini, who had left You-Know-Who's shoulders. He didn't know who was fighting, but he could tell it was a former student. Neville forced himself not to think about it. He knew that if he did, he would make a mistake. If he made a mistake, he would die. After trading spells with who knows how many people, he managed to use a severing charm on Nagini. He still couldn't hit You-Know-Who, but You-Know-Who had felt his last horcrux being destroyed, and was in a rage. He was looking around for who did it and saw Neville. A flash of green light was all Neville saw, and then it was over. Neville fell, and so did the rest of the Wizarding World with him.

Dumbledore had died, the teachers and Order of the Phoenix were occupied by the Death Eaters. No matter how good they were in school, there was no way a student was any match for Voldemort. It was a massacre. He killed each and every person that he came across, and when he was done, he destroyed Hogwarts. This time Hogwarts being in ruins was no longer an illusion for the muggles, that's how it really was.

Voldemort moved out to the rest of Wizarding Britain. He killed and muggleborns and half-bloods, and the purebloods who would not bow to him. There was no one left to stop him. Anyone who tried was instantly killed by the Death Eaters he had around him at all times. After he was through with Wizarding Britain, he started killing muggles. They were always too surprised to defend themselves. One time, he went too far. He tried to attack the stadium of a football game. Officers quickly arrived on scene. Although he still killed many people, that night, many lives were saved. The officers started shooting, and just like that, it was over. It was ironic. Tom Riddle had spent nearly his whole life plotting against muggles, and hating anything to do with them, and in the end it was a muggle weapon that brought him down.

It should have been a day of celebration, people cheering that the Dark wizard was dead, instead, the streets in Wizarding Britain were still silent.

Voldemort was dead, but there was no one left to hear it.

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