Grand General - Another World

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“I know you here, you son of a bitch!” Dean taunted as he slammed the door open.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he stepped in, looking around at his new surroundings.

“What the hell?” he muttered.

He was in the entrance way of an alley, peering out at a busy city. A flicker of orange light appeared in his peripheral vision and he whipped around, drawing his angel blade. A circle of orange light was bearing down on him and he only had time to stumble back one or two steps before it engulfed him. He reappeared in a dark room and instantly brought the angel blade up, ready to strike.

“The weapon will not be necessary.”

The lights flicked on and a man floated down the stairs, a red cloak flapping behind him.

Dean didn't lower the blade.

“What’s with the Doctor Strange outfit? What are you? A shapeshifter marvel fan? Or maybe a cosplaying demon?”

“You know me?” he asked, a note of surprise in his voice.

“What? Oh no. This can't be happening again. Come on!”

“Why don't we move to a more comfortable setting?” Stephen suggested.

Before Dean could refuse, their surroundings warped and he fell backward onto a sofa.

“So, you know that I am Stephen Strange. Who are you and where are you from?” His eyes flicked to the silver blade. “Would you please put that down.”

Dean hesitantly tucked it away. If he really was in the Marvel universe then Strange was one of the good guys.

“I'm Dean Winchester.”

Not quite sure how to explain where he was from, he left it at that.

“Seriously? That was the best thing you could come up with? Some guy from a TV show. Who are you really?”

Dean abruptly stood up.

“I don't have the time to explain this. I need to find Sammy and get out of here.”

He strode through the doorway on the left, a couple seconds later he re-entered the room from another door on the right. He looked back and forth and rand through again twice.

Stephen sat back and watched him in amusement.

Dean went through the doors once more before accepting that it was a loop. He stood close to the wall, tense. Stephen gestured at the sofa and he reluctantly walked over and sat back down.

“Good. Now tell me what's happening and we can return you to where you belong.”

“ tell me where Sammy is or find him.”

“Your brother is not here. We would have been alerted of his presence, as we were of yours,” Stephen told Dean.

“Fine. So what now? How do I get back?”

“First of all you have to stay here. I assume if you go out in public you will be mobbed by the fans of Supernatural.”

“Hell no! I am not staying inside.”

“Oh yes you are,” Stephen said. “I have things to sort out. I'll be back soon.”

As soon as Stephen was gone, Dean tried the door again and this time it brought him into a hallway. He wandered around the sanctum a bit before finding the doors outside. He stepped out into New York. Dean could see what he thought was Stark Tower in the distance and he started walking. Along the way a few people came up to him asking for photos, but he just told them they had the wrong person.

Arriving at Stark Tower, he pressed the doorbell. A voice came through the speaker.

“State your name and purpose of visit.”

“Dean Winchester. Here to see Tony Stark.”

“Mr. Stark does not have any visitors scheduled today.”

“I don't care. Let me speak to him directly.”

“I'm sorry. That is not possible.”

“Fine then,” Dean muttered under his breath. He pulled out his lockpick set from his pocket and pulled up a security app on his phone. Looking around him to see if anyone was watching, he ripped off the cover of the keypad. He hooked up some of the wires to his phone and started running combinations. Then he played around with the wires, looking for a back panel. After about ten minutes of tinkering, he jumped as a different voice came over the speaker.

“Very impressive, Winchester. Normally I'd be pissed about this but I'm feeling good today so come in.”

The doors slid open and Dean straighten up.

“What the…?”

He stepped in and the doors slid shut behind him. He looked around in awe at all the technology around him. Dean turned as a voice sounded out behind him.

“Dean Winchester, really?” Tony arched an eyebrow.

“Stark. You have to be able to return me to my world. All this… stuff,” Dean said, cutting right to the chase.

He told Tony the same thing he told Stephen, adding on that he had been to the sanctums. “So far the only known ways to travel different universes are going subatomic, which is very, very dangerous. Using the bifrost, or magic, which frankly I don't understand and I'll just let the wizards deal with it,” Tony said.

“Can I get access to the Bifrost?” Dean asked.

“Not unless Thor comes, no.”

“Then call him,” he demanded.

“I can't.”

“Then make me subatomic.”

“No,” Tony refused.

Before Dean could respond, FRIDAY spoke.

“Mr. Stark a foreign ship is approaching the earth.”

“Stay here. Unless you want to get yourself killed.”

“I'm fighting!” Dean yelled after Tony, sprinting after him.

He turned down the wrong hallway and caught up just in time to see the nanotech suit spread over Stark, and then Strange conjuring two disks. He drew the angel blade and joined the fighting, trying his best to slash the alien creature. Before he knew it, he was knocked out.

When he came to he was on the ship, next to Strange. There were glass shard like things poking into Stange’s head and Dean realized they were hovering around him too, about to do the same thing to him. He tugged as hard as he could on the ropes but they didn't break. He spotting the blade beside him and he stretched out his arm. He got more and more desperate as the glass got closer. Finally, he managed to snag it. He flipped it round and sawed at the rope tying down his hand, then quickly cutting the other ones once his hand was free. Stark and the spider kid, Parker, managed to rescue him and Strange somehow. They ended up flying the ship to Titan, where Strange gave up the stone for Stark. They tended to everyone's wounds, tried to determine the next course of action.

It didn't matter anyways in the end. One by one they started dissolving. All of the Guardians, then Strange, after that Peter. And then Dean felt it. As he dissolved he called out desperately for the last time.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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