Night 1 (Escape?)

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I really do enjoy this!

Absolutely nothing belongs to me!




Haruhi woke up on the floor of a dark room, with a splitting headache. When she tried to rub her head, she realized that her hands were tied. The only light in the room came from a little digital light up watch on her left wrist, that blinked 12:00 up at her.

Despite the whole unknown aspect of her situation, Haruhi swore that if this was another one of the twins' pranks, she was going to murder both of them.

But panic slowly began to set in as she realized that the twins would have done something by now. They weren't the type of people who would abandon someone to a dark room with no way out.

She didn't know what to do. Someone had kidnapped her, and Haruhi didn't know what was going to happen.

Slumping even further down, Haruhi slowly came to grips with the fact that she had actually been kidnapped.

+++++1 a.m.+++++

What Haruhi had failed to notice in her, justified, panic, was that her phone was missing. Now, this would cause fear in most regular people simply because it had become their life. But for Haruhi, it meant a whole new level of bad, her phone had the detailed schedule of Freddy's for the next week.

Which is exactly what Benio was hoping for. Information like that was a dangerous thing in the hands of fangirls and those who hated Freddy's, it was all the three girls needed to ruin the band forever. It also didn't hurt that at the end of the week they were having one of the biggest concerts the band had ever hosted. Kidnapping the security guard that had humiliated them was only a bonus.

Benio smirked, Freddy's wouldn't know what hit them.

++++2 a.m.++++

It was the watch that brought her back. The tiny numbers seemed to drill their way into her mind until she could understand what they meant. It was already pas two in the morning, and something told Haruhi that she didn't want to be in that room defenseless when her captors came back.

Rising unsteadily to her feet, Haruhi uses the faint light of the digital watch to see the room around her. The room looked to be around the same size as the security room at Freddy's mansion. It even seemed to have a set of observation cameras, if the multiple screens were anything to go by.

With a sigh, she realized that it didn't matter what the room looked like if she couldn't get out. So Haruhi turned her attention to the problem of her tied hands.

+++3 a.m.+++

Chizuru and Hinako had been given their objectives after Hinako had hacked through Haruhi's firewall and Benio sorted through the information. Because the following week was going to be such a big deal, all six of Freddy's had been moved to different locations other than their house, for safety reasons.

Each girl had been assigned half of the band. Since the hotels, they were staying at were all over town, the two had agreed that it would be best if every night they targeted a different member until the night before the show when they would strike all of them together.

Hinako was already in disguise, acting as a maid for the hotel that was currently housing Puppet the keyboardist of the band. She had chosen him because he seemed like the easiest one to start out with.

++4 a.m.++

Rubbing her sore wrists, Haruhi smiled as she managed to untie herself. Now all she had to do was find a way out of the room. The door had been the obvious first choice but it was, also obviously, locked.

Screaming for help wasn't even an option, because she didn't want to alert her kidnappers to the fact that she was awake. The room had also yielded no clear light switch, leaving Haruhi in the dark.

Finally, Haruhi headed over to the computers, figuring that waking up that many computers should give off at least a little more light. To her surprise, it turned out that it really was a security room. Unfortunately, all of the cameras told her that she was in a large house, that she was unfamiliar with.

Haruhi shivered a little as the air conditioning turned on.

+5 a.m.+

Chizuru quietly closed the door behind her. Her first target, Chica, had been interesting. For one thing, he hadn't even been close to asleep when she got there, typing away on his phone like his life depended on it.

But, his suite had been dark except for his phone, so it had been easy to make it appear that something was going on in the room. What had made it interesting was when he had started to work against her.

Apparently, he was adept in the art of sneak attacks. Even with that, however, Chizuru had succeeded in her task of keeping him busy all night. He would be a wreck for the rest of the day, and a few well-placed speakers would ensure that Chica wouldn't for the rest of the week.

Chizuru was hopeful that Hinako had been just as successful.

6 a.m.

Pushing the table out of the way, Haruhi let out a quiet shout of triumph. For behind the heavy table sat an air vent large enough for Haruhi to crawl through. With her make-shift screwdriver, she managed to get the grate off of the vent.

It would've been easy for her to crawl through the vent and find a way out. But during her search, Haruhi had moved past fear at what could happen, and now she was somewhat pissed. She had discovered that her phone was missing and the pieces had started to click together.

Someone had kidnapped her for the information that her phone held. Haruhi needed proof that these people were planning against the band, and to get that proof, she would have to stick around.

So the angry security guard began plotting herself. Maneuvering the table so that there was enough room for her to get behind it again and making it look like it hadn't been moved had been the hardest part. But now Haruhi was safely hidden in the air vent behind the table, with the grate back in place even.

She was ready to fight back. These kidnappers wouldn't know what hit them.


La nuit est finie!

Hope you enjoyed!

See y'all next time!

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