Day 6 (Why am I even surprised?)

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So yet again, requests have been made, and once again, there is an epilogue!




An hour and a half later, Haruhi was standing in her living room for the first time in what felt like years. And she was pissed. Laying blissfully asleep on her couch was Hikaru. Haruhi could feel the final strands of her self-control snapping as she marched towards the oblivious band member.

The first thing Hikaru knew of Haruhi's return, and anger, was when his pillow was forcefully removed from under him and used as a weapon against him. At first, he thought it was Kaoru or maybe even Tamaki that had tracked him down and was trying to wake him up. Then Hikaru heard, "Get. Off. My. Couch!" in the unmistakable sound of Haruhi's voice. 

When Hikaru fell off the couch, Haruhi didn't even bother to see if he was okay before taking the spot he had previously occupied. From her position on her couch, Haruhi could feel Hikaru's stare and turned to glare at him, "If you or anyone else are in this apartment when I wake up, I am going to personally kill all of you. Now go get ready for your concert or whatever and let me sleep." Hikaru was out the door by the time she finished speaking. He'd known her long enough not to take the threat lightly. The joy that she was safe would come later.

Much later, when the sun had begun to set, Haruhi was awoken by the sound of a loud whisper fight behind the other side of her apartment door. Stretching tiredly, she wondered if she could just pretend not to be home and hope that they'd leave. But then some of the words filtered through the door.

"We have to make sure she's okay!"

"You really don't want to do that!"

"I swear Hikaru if this is some sick joke, I'm going to kill you."

"I would never joke about this!"

Some of Haruhi's annoyance faded at that and was replaced with a strange sense of warmth. When had this strange group of people stop being a never-ending headache and become people she actually liked? And since when did she start thinking of them as family?

Opening the door, Haruhi was surprised to see Renge and Hikaru blocking her view as they were refusing to let anyone try and get near the door, though Tamaki was making a valiant effort. "Are you coming in, or are we having this reunion out here?" Haruhi asked, laughing when she surprised them all.

"HARUHI!" Huni shouted as he latched onto her in a hug. Haruhi laughed and carried him inside as the others followed. They laughed and celebrated and generally just enjoyed life.

As the evening wound down and they all settled in for a group sleepover, Renge pulled Haruhi into one last hug for the night and said, "I'm really glad you're back Haruhi."

Haruhi glanced around her living room at how messy and chaotic it had become, and a smile came unbidden to her face. "Yeah, me too Renge. Me too."


There you have it! The end of FNAOSHC4!

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See ya next time!

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