Chapter 4 - The basement

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I found some diary entries I made after Sangwoo chucked my Nokia down the stairs because he looked at my wattpad history and didn't want to be reminded by it. Sadly, he removed my ability to phone people, somehow. I guess he's like a phone wizard or something.

Dear diary,
Things are pretty shitty down in the basement. All Sangwoo gives Yoonbum and I to eat is porridge and sometimes a brussel sprout, because Sangwoo insists that we have to eat our greens.
On the bright side, Yoonbum has been talking to me fairly often. He even ended up explaining to me how he even got to Sangwoos house in the first place, which I won't go into because it's a long story. Besides, you all must have read the webcomic before reading this. Yoonbum actually tried to escape yesterday.. But sadly Sangwoo was sitting at the top of the stairs partaking in some delectable heinz beanz on weetabix and said "gurl get back in the basement🙄" before using his lightsaber to promptly smack him back into the basement :,(. Good thing it was a fake lightsaber, otherwise Yoonbum would be quite limbless.

Dear diary,
I called Sangwoo a pig because im the stereotypical fanfiction protagonist who is fearless and incredibly sassy.
However, he seemed to get very angry and yelled at me, he said:
"IF YOU EAT EVERY SINGLE FIG, I WILL NEVER CALL YOU A PIG, I RESPECT YOU AND PIGS, DONT USE PIG AS AN INSULT" and then ran out and slammed the basement door. Naturally, I was extremely bewildered, however Yoonbum told me not to be speciesist, because Sangwoo is a "hashtag hardcore vegan XD"
That also really confused me to be honest.

September 1st, 1989:
Dear diary,
I beleive I am a good person.
You know, I think there's good in everyone.
But here we are.
First day of senior year!
And, uh, I look around at all these kids I've known all my life and I ask myself, what happened?

Dear diary,
Yoonbum and I started playing a game we made up. Basically, it's like naughts and crosses, except it's exactly like naughts and crosses, we just don't have any paper, so we just have to pretend to draw it. The problem is, we always forget where we put the naughts and crosses, so it's a pretty shitty game.

Dear diary,
I'm pretty annoyed with always writing "dear diary" so I'm changing it to "fuck you, diary" because I'm annoyed at everything for no reason.

Fuck you, diary,
Spending time with Yoonbum has turned out to be fun, I really enjoy his presence. Not to mention, he is beautiful, I love his hair, black like a burnt sausage; his eye bags are Gucci and his entire body is like Gollum from lord of the mcfucking ring.
I think... that I, the kinky, stereotypical fanfiction protagonist who's name is y/n...
Is in love!!!

Dear diary,
I felt bad for saying fuck you, diary... I'm sorry, so I've changed it back.

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