Chapter 5 - Confessions

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I wade across the lush forest which is the field.

My heart almost beats out of my chest at the very thought of the deed I was about to commit.

The slight breeze turns into a short gush of cool air suddenly, and I immediately held my skirt down, blushing bright red and yelling "it's n-not l-l-l-like I i I I I I I l-LIKE YOU OR-OR ANYTHING BBBBBBBBBBAKA" into the heavens.

But then, I look up...

It's him.
The one I'm about to confess my undying love to...


He opens his unnaturally large anime eyes, which take up his entire face like a terrifying fucking alien creature from the dark depths of hell itself,
he's so beautiful....

A cliche anime blush spreads across my cliche anime cheeks and my unnaturally large cliche anime boobs sway in the air as if they were weightless, defying all laws of gravity.

I totter over to the top of the hill, the blossoms from the cliche anime sakura tree float down from the sky and descend like the fallen feathers of an angels wings, except they're flowers. And not feathers.

I brush back my unnatural, bright pink hair behind my crusty ear and smile softly- the smile being two small lines with a gap in the middle for some weird reason.

Before the silence becomes too awkward, I open my mouth and begin to speak the words I have been terrified to say...
"Yoonubumu-senpai....", I manage to splutter out.


"I love you."
I finally managed to say, the nervousness which had previously culminated within me finally dispersing away.

Yoonbum said, his head twisting and morphing into the shape of...
...a duck?

What in the holy fucking name of Jesus fucking Christ holy fuckaroo diddily darn that is so hecking strange I am shitting on myself right now but not really because that's a bit weird I'm just too confused for words like why is he a duck and why did he go quack I mean ducks go quack  and that makes sense but still what the fuck like I don't think you're supposed to turn into a duck in the middle of something I don't think that's even possible what?

I briskly threw a pineapple at the head of the nearest passerby and then...

...I woke up.

It was a dream?
Of course it was, that was the stupidest thing ever.

However, I couldn't get the thought of Yoonbum out of my head... I really love him?

I mean, isn't it incest to love your adoptive father?

I don't know, and I don't care. All I know is that I'm definitely in love...

And I have to tell him!
(In real life, of course)

✨Adopted by Sangwoo✨Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu