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"That was much easier than I thought it would be," the voice said. "It took Jungkook much longer to crack. I can see why you're the leader, Namjoon. I was really looking forward to taking someone. But, it's always more fun if someone goes missing, right?"

The lights suddenly turned off. Everyone started shouting and screaming until the lights turned back on.

"Where did Jungkook go?" Taehyung asked.

"Where did you take him?!" Namjoon screamed.

The voice didn't respond.

"Why couldn't he take you instead?" Taehyung asked Namjoon. "You could have been the one who murdered Jin!"

"I didn't murder him!" Namjoon shouted.

"We can't trust you!" Jimin shouted in turn of Taehyung. "We trusted you and I admired you. I thought we were friends who could tell each other everything, but I guess that was never the case," he weakly added as he sat down on a chair like a ragdoll.

"I'm not going to argue on this any more," Namjoon exasperated as he rubbed his face. "Can we please try to find a way out of here?"

"The only way to do that is to uncover the rest of the clues. You have a few more to go. Enjoy your stay here though. There's no need to rush."

"This guy," Meiji muttered. "Do we really have to find the rest of the clues? No offense, but I feel like none of you guys are in the right state of mind to be doing this kind of stuff. Every clue has caused you guys to argue and fight. That's the worst thing that can happen in a situation like this."

"If we don't find the rest of the clues, he'll keep taking us until we're all gone. Who knows what he's doing with Jungkook right now? He could be dead," Yoongi said.

"No," Hoseok muttered. "That can't happen."

"But it might," Yoongi added. "We all could die soon if we don't find the clues and solve them. So far, it hasn't been hard to solve them, and that's probably what he wanted. Our secrets aren't that dark, but they've been a burden to us this whole time. It's a matter of wanting to get rid of it."

"So where should we start?" Meiji asked. "You guys are the detectives."

Namjoon sighed, growing back into the role of a leader. "Jimin, Taehyung, go look for any secret entrances in the walls and objects close to the wall. Hoseok, Meiji, try to figure out why the kidnapper chose those specific clues, why he seems to care about Jin, and what he might have done to Jungkook. Yoongi, you and I will find the next clue."

Everyone split up according to Namjoon's order. Even if he could have murdered Jin, there was no doubt Namjoon was still the best leader in that situation.

Yoongi and Namjoon went through every object possible. They flipped the vases over, peered inside the books, went through the fireplace, and any object possible, they didn't find another clue.

Jimin and Taehyung had no success in finding the secret entrances. From the start, they didn't think they were going to find any secret entrances. Everything seemed planned to the T. The kidnapper seemed to know what they were doing.

Hoseok and Meiji were sitting down at the dining table, discussing their experiences with Jin. Meiji talked about her childhood with Jin, while Hoseok talked about what it was like to work with Jin. They didn't get very far. Jin started getting distant around the time he became a detective with the rest of the boys.

"I don't know who would murder him, Hoseok," Meiji said with a sigh. "He was so sweet and funny. He made sure I always had my lunch before I left the house for school. He always made sure I knew how to do my homework. If a boy asked me out, he'd always do research on that boy. He wanted to make sure I was healthy and safe at all times. I just can't begin to comprehend what's happening to my life now."

Meiji sighed and rested her chin in her hand. She raised her knees up as a way to curl up into a ball from where she was seated. A clicking sound was heard after she did that. Meiji scrunched her eyebrows and looked around.

"Did you hear that?" she asked.

Hoseok nodded. "The other guys didn't. It must be near us."

Hoseok reached his hand underneath the table and patted the area near Meiji.

"It's a button. You must have accidentally pressed it when you brought your knees up."

"Did it do anything?" Meiji asked.

"It didn't seem like it. I'm going to press it again," Hoseok informed.

Meiji nodded, slightly backing away from the table. Hoseok pressed it again, and this time, something did happen. The large painting above the fireplace opened up like a door. Inside, there was a hollow square with a television in the middle of it.

Everyone turned to look at the blank television. It suddenly turned on with no explanation. There was static at first, but it started playing a short video.

"Yoongi, you're drunk," Hoseok informed. "You shouldn't be driving."

Yoongi laughed. "It's fine. It'll be fine. I'm not that drunk. I only had a few shots."

Hoseok scoffed. "That's what they all say. Pull over. I'll drive. I didn't drink as much as you."

"I can drive," a female voice peeped out from the back.

"Gyuri, stay there. You're not driving. You're underage, and if your brother finds out we took you to a club—"

"Relax, Hoseok. Jimin won't find out. He's always busy with work," Gyuri replied.

Hoseok shook his head. "I'm driving either way. Yoongi, pull over."

Yoongi shook his head. "No, no, I'm not pulling over. I can drive."

"Yoongi, pull over."


"Yoongi, pull the fuck over!" Hoseok shouted.

"I'm not fucking pulling over!"

"At least keep your eyes on the fucking road, Yoongi! Jesus! You're sofuck! Yoongi, watch out! Yoongi!"

The three started screaming when bright lights shone on them. Gyuri screamed the loudest from the backseat.

The video stopped, static playing again.

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