Part 4 of Middle

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After quickly catching my breath, we went onto the next phrase. Getting to the control room was hard enough.

Now we get to wreak havoc, as I grabbed an manual off the shelf. Placing it by the controls and opening to the table of contents. Quickly looking it over the chapters to find the chapter where it showed each control's purpose. When I flipped to the page where it starts, it was all strangely simple. Then the book kept flipping over which made me place my other hand on top of the side of book where it keeps flipping over.

Then I realized I have been holding hands with Taylor this whole time. She seem to have noticed too. We quickly let go of each other. My face was burning up and it was probably really red.

"Sorry," I quickly apologize before turning back to the manual to get back to work. I skim all over the control chapter needing find to the controls that would make every cell door open, and turn the security system turn off. It wasn't much to do but it's worth something

"Do you want me to help with anything?" Taylor asked. I know that she's good to be able to listen and would be able to do it really quick.

"Yeah, can you help me find the control to make the cell doors open and turn the security system off?" I lifted the manual off the control panel. So she can easily inspected the controls. From my quick glance of the controls, they look like they have labels on them. "It might be hard but I know you can do it."

She nodded."Thanks. I also know you can do it too."

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