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The sun was setting behind the clouds, falling under the trees until it disappeared. Rockgaze watched, laying calmly in her den, yet she couldn't rest. Rockgaze felt sick thinking over the events of the day. Dogstar had sent a cat to their death again. It seems to happen at this time of the year. The cat states their opinions on how Dogstar runs the clan, they've done it before, but this time they're not surviving.

Antleap and Thistlepool, sometimes other cats if they were willing, would leave camp with the cat, then they'd never return. No one would find out how it happened, some assumed they attacked him, some assume they pushed him off the wall that separates their clan with twoleg-place. They'd then bring them back to camp and give them a pathetic excuse for how this happened, usually something like a 'hunting accident.'

They brought them to her and she examined them, usually finding broken bones from the fall,  sometimes twisted limbs and scars, scratches and blinded eyes from them attacking them. The excuses they gave would always echo in her mind, "A dog escaped into the forest! We killed it, but..." or "They were stepped on by a deer. We couldn't do anything."

The thing that hurt the most is that most of the time these clanmates were not buried. They said they would bury them, but she usually has the elders throw them into the river to dispose of them. Rockgaze would claw off Dogstar's pelt if she could, but Dogstar would always be ready. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of the clan remaining without a medicine cat for a long time.

The clan was divided, it was obvious to every member. Most of the strongest cats and some of the weaker cats side with Dogstar, mainly in fear of her. However, the rest feel a burning hate for how the clan was run. Most of them wanted to face Dogstar on their own, but she usually stopped them to try and stop conflict.

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