Chapter 1

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Sagebreeze lay in her den, pretending to be asleep. Antleap was watching them, making sure they didn't wake up early to try and escape camp. Dogstar was trying to control their sleep schedule, as well as every little thing they did, maybe her imagination of controling the world with a strong grip on her claws.

Sunlight was streaming into the den through the cracks, as if calling them to come out and socialise or hunt, but they were trapped here until Antleap decided it was time for them to wake up. It was a perfect morning for hunting, but Antleap clearly didn't intend to let anyone out for a quick hunt or breath of fresh air.

"Stop twitching!" He hissed, his infuriated gaze directed at the cat who slept beside her, Quailcall. Sagebreeze heart almost stopped in a panic that she was in trouble with Antleap, even though her track record was clean. Shiver went up her spine, thinking about even getting one warning from Antleap. She lay in silence for a little longer, just trapped with her thoughts.

"Alright, get up." Antleap's gave traveled to Mudstripe and Longwhisker. "You two are on hunting patrol," then his eyes travelled to Whitefoot and Finchsong, "You two are on border patrol. Kill any rouge that dares set foot on the border."

"What shall me and Sagebreeze do?" Quailcall asked, raising her head up from her next.

"Quiet!" Antleap threw his paw at Quailcall's face, claws stretched out. "You will guard the camp. Sagebreeze, you have been good and followed Dogstars orders, so you get to stay in camp and look after kits."

Sagebreeze dipped her head, though really she knew she didn't deserve such a gift. All the other warriors have to do something but because she was obedient to Dogstar's irrational decisions, she got rewarded with an easy day of keeping the kits inside and out of the centre of camp, which was banned by Dogstar so her favourite cats could walk around there.

Sagebreeze made her way out of the warriors den, catching a quick sigh from Quailsong. "I'd trade my place with you if I could," She whispered gently but quickly into Quailsong's ears, then padded over to the entrance of the nursery. She stopped as she scented Dogstar, Rockgaze, Aspen~nose and her two kits, Eggkit and Milk~kit.

"Please, make an exception for my sister," Rockgaze's tone wasn't panicked, but she was still begging for the life of the two kits.

"Why should I?" Dogstar shook her head as she spoke. "The only thing special about her is that she is your sister."

"They're both strong, healthy kits... I could take Milk~kit as an apprentice extra early, as long as she and Eggkit get to live."

There was an eerie silence, as if Dogstar was considering throwing either kit off the wall or making peace with Rockgaze and letting Milk~kit live.

"As soon as that kit can speak, you train it as Milk~paw," Dogstar demanded. "And you must not take prey today, as I was too generous as to let two kits live."

Too generous?  You... aren't. Sagebreeze didn't dare speak the words aloud, but she was thinking them in her head for certain. 

Dogstar got up off her paws and turned to leave, smiling icily before exiting the den. Sagebreeze felt uncomfortable with how lenient Dogstar was with her in general, as if she was delivered by Starclan to Dogstar herself, saying that she was the prophecy cat that would save her clans from foxes or something.

"Sagebreeze! Sagebreeze!" Waterkit and Foxkit came running towards her, repeating her name and squealing for her attention. Sagebreeze was almost knocked off her paws by the kits, their excitement was overwhelming.

"Kits! Be gentle," Brackenlight purred. "Don't knock her over."

Sagebreeze stepped away from the kits and grabbed a mossball, which the then threw at Waterkit, who batted it back to Foxkit, who, instead of passing it to her, passed it to Waterkit again. Sagebreeze didn't mind, she was really just here to watch the kits interact and make sure they didn't do anything that Dogstar would punish them for.


A/N: I hope that's okay for a first chapter!! Sorry if it's not the best,,

Word count: 675 

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