Chapter 6

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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather under the highrock for a clan meeting."

Sagebreeze sat with Antleap, over by the special spot where the deputy normally sat. As soon as the kits spoke, Everyone was outside for their ceremony. Sagebreeze felt pain deep in her chest, watching all the cats look over at the kits. They were too young to be apprenticed, but Dogstar didn't care. Rockgaze had made a deal with her and that was final.

"Many of you already know of how both Milk-kit and Eggkit have both stayed alive, against my usual rules." Dogstar's gaze travelled among the warriors below her, her gaze sharp like thorns. "You see, Rockgaze and I came to an agreement, letting them both live. They will be apprenticed early and Milk-kit will be Rockgaze's apprentice."

Sagebreeze's ears were pricked for protest, but there was nothing. There was some uneasy glances between the cats in the crowd, but none of them audibly disagreed.

"Milk-kit and Eggkit, do you swear that you will follow my rules and life under my ways, even if it costs you your life?"

There was a silence. "I do," Egg-kit mewed and turn to his sister. He whispered into her ear the same words, telling her what to do. "Oh- I do," She said awkwardly.

Dogstar's gaze darkened as she looked down at the kits, but she ignored the little wait between the kits agreement. "Then you may be apprenticed," Dogstar continued. "Milkpaw, you will be the apprentice of Rockgaze, the medicine cat apprentice. Eggpaw, I have chosen for you to be mentored with special conditions."

Longwhisker's eyes lit up, as if he thought he would be Eggpaw's mentor, which, to be fair, was quite likely. There was silence and hope filled the cats in the clearing.

"...Sagebreeze's apprentice."


"You may now eat, if you already haven't."

But I already have Foxpaw! Why would I need to mentor two apprentices? Even if I hate him, Longwhisker would've been a better choice for Starclan's sake! Sagebreeze's thoughts were racing around her and she couldn't grasp a single one. She was still in reality, but in her head she was floating in nothing.

After calming down a little, she hopped down to greet Eggpaw, who was talking to Milkpaw and Longwhisker.

"Dogstar is really funny looking," He told them. "She's also kinda mean..."

"Hey!" Sagebreeze pushed her way into the group. "No gossiping about Dogstar, she doesn't like that.

"But she isn't nice! Didn't you see the way she looked at my sister? I can't let her do that!"

Is this apprentice stupid? He's going to get himself killed talking like this! "No more talking like this, Eggpaw!" Sagebreeze demanded. "Now go eat. I don't want another word from you."

Eggpaw groaned and padded with Milkpaw to the fresh-kill pile. Longwhisker cast a jealous look at Sagebreeze and padded silently away, mumbling something inaudible.

Fernpatch appeared at Sagebreeze's side anyway. "Don't worry about him! He's just a little grump with an attitude problem." 

"Who? Longwhisker or Eggpaw?" Sagebreeze asked grimly. I'm in no mood for jokes!

"Both, probably," Fernpatch answered, smirking to herself. "I'm here to tell you the joke from earlier, wanna hear?"

Even if she wasn't in the mood, she was curious to what the joke was, she was almost desperate for an answer if she was honest. She nodded her head and listened for the explanation.

"The joke was that you were gonna announce that you and Antleap are mates!"

Sagebreeze's fur grew hot. "What? No! What are you, bug brained?" She stopped for a second and realised this was what Fernpatch wanted! A reaction! Curse Starclan! I'm the fool! Fernpatch was howling with laughter, probably from the expressions Sagebreeze had made once she told the joke.

"Ha, ha. What's so funny, Fernpatch?"

Fernpatch stopped as dread filled her eyes.

Dogstar was right behind her, her eyes stilted at the queen, fury flaring in her gaze.

"Um," Fernpatch attempted to explain, but the scent of fear carried in the breeze. "Well, you see, I was just telling a little joke to-"

Fernpatch was cut off by a slash to the face, blood being thrown onto the ground. Dogstar shoved Fernpatch to the ground, growling furiously at the she-cat. She held Fernpatch down and dug her claws into the she-cats long fur. "Not so funny now, is it?" Dogstar asked, silence followed. "I said, not so funny now, is it?"

"No... it's... not," The word's choked out of Fernpatch as she was held down into the ground, shaking.

"Then let this be a warning to every cat in the clan. You aren't funny and any more mouse-brained jokes, you'll get a warning and end up like Fernpatch." She let go of Fernpatch, who scrambled away and bolted back the the nursery, blood dripping from her wounds. Dogstar turned to face Sagebreeze, a smile on her face.

"Don't worry, anyone who tells you stupid jokes will get the punishment," She murmured, touching Sagebreeze's forehead with her nose. "If you ever want to talk or just seem me, please, by all means just come into my den. We can go climb trees."

With that, she left.


Word count: 839

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