chappie 5

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We continued our little Adventure through the town and finally came to a little two story house "oh no nonononono I-I can't I can't go in there not after what left me there to fend for myself I can't just can't " I say broken of all things that could've broke me this is the one no one knows that the person who made me like this was him the one who abandoned his own family was him and with my luck the fear of me going in there is because the thing waiting for me in there was him. Bendy looks at me "(y/n) we can go and get the- " "NO!" I cut him off "it has to be me I have to face that demon that calls me his daughter I have to kill him!" I say looking like an insane person " (y/n) I'll be right behind you and after you do what you have to you'll explain everything to me okay that sound good" he asks me looking concerned . I look back at him " you remember our language right I'll call you if I need help and you come Bendy and only you." I say "hey what about me? " Boris asks "you can gaurd the door and make sure no one gets in or out got it thanks" I say and jump through the window cuz he expects me to go through the door like a normal person well, I ain't normal I think everyone knows this by now don't you think (me: NOOOO the fourth wall ) and I walk into the room that the piece is in " so you finally came back (i/n) (insanity name) " the devil calls quickly I appear behind him and break his neck  the proceed to stab him and slice his body into teny , tiny, little pieces take the piece and hightail it out of here. I change into the spare outfit I had worn the first day I escaped.

As I returned to the others I toss the piece to Bendy"He's gone forever no one can die and go to hell I-Im free" I yell and jump up and down

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As I returned to the others I toss the piece to Bendy
"He's gone forever no one can die and go to hell I-Im free" I yell and jump up and down. Bad idea I start to fall but before I hit the concrete Bendy catches me " didn't know if your trip is nice but I couldn't wait to see you untill next fall" Bendy punned " OH MY GOD BENDY SERIOUSLY THAT WAS HORRIBLE"Boris yells as I'm just lmaoing on the ground " Bendy that was AMAZING OMG I can't even" I laughed "then get ready to odd " he replies and now I'm laughing so hard that I can't breathe when I calm down Bendy helps me up. " Bendy I didn't know your we're so-" "DON'T SAY IT (Y/N) DON'T SAY IT" Boris yells "punny" I finished . And this time Bendy's in my position and it's just amazing. "(Y/N) WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THAT"Boris yells . I smile innocently cuz I'm a little angel and everyone loves me. Bendy all of a sudden scares the crap out of me " ROAR" he says and I scream . "Not funny dude not funny!" I say shakily " found you " a rough voice says and a lazer bullet shoots and almost hit me almost instead I dodge and rush him katana ablaze and eyes glowing "you shouldn't have done that " I say and slash he dodges "you missed "  cuppymcbutthead taunts "did I " I say smirking and then a blue attack comes and cuphead moves the freaking idiot " when there blue you must stay still for orange you must move "  I sang (guess the AU if you get it right , have a piece of bscotch cinnamon pie) as I take three of his 36 hp. My eyes went pitch black " how many people have you killed to have almost double the original amount of hp?" I ask " alot " he says smirking "you're gonna have a horrible  time" I say as music begins to play

"Deleting flee option " I say in a completely glitched voice and send determination blasters fallowed by knives,then lastly Asriel's final attack. When I finished he spared me and walked away I turn back to my friends "sorry you had to see that" I say my voice back to normal . " AUGH " Bendy says my eyes widen I had completely forgotten about him having the inkness. I teleport to Bendy. Let's give a round of applause for spontaneous power reveals folks! I hug Bendy and sing a song that I learned that helps calm me down

When I finished I didn't know that I was crying but Bendy was perfectly fine after his attack and was hugging me I hugged back and then said " you remember that was our song when we were kids don't you" he says I nod and calm down.
~•°•time skippy•°•~
Bendy's POV

I don't understand why I feel so different when I'm around her but she's just really special to me and I just want to see her happy and kill anyone that makes her feel otherwise. WAIT DO I LIKE HER CRAP I THINK I DO! I turned to (y/n) an ask "hey are hungry I think I am " (y/n) whips her head and looks at me " hungry y-yeah I think I am too I know a good place to eat and they have a talent show every Friday so we can watch while we eat or sign up eat and perform I think I'll sign up " she says with stars in her eyes. I smile "alright let's head there BORIS COME ON! "I yell and (y/n) leads the way to a little place called Margaritaville . She calls to the hostess "ANGELICA!" The hostess looks up and immediately she runs toward us "(y/n) OMG hi it's been forever!" Angelica says . "Who are they and is the short one you boyfriend?" She asks and (y/n) lights up red as a siren. " A-Angelica w-why would you a-ask t-that " she stutters . "(y/n) come with me she says and (y/n) follows.

(Y/N)'s POV
Me and Angelica go into the bathroom and we scale the wall and go into the secret hiding spot we found "so do you think about the demon " she says " well he's my childhood friend and he's really nice and he's very funny and he's protective and he's really cu- UM he's really fun to go on adventures with and BTW his name's Bendy." I say okay the look in Angelica's eye says she heard the real last thing. As we get down we chat and out of the blue she says "your signing up for the talent show right?" Angelica asks. "Yeah I am going to why do you ask" I say and Angelica says this "your going to wear something other than that right if you don't have anything I'll lend you something." She says and I nod saying that I have something to wear and I change into this

" She says and I nod saying that I have something to wear and I change into this

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" You look AMAZING (y/n) Bendy will love it " she says. "That's NOT the point of the outfit but I'm not against him liking it " I say a slight blush on my face.
~•°•time skip to your performance•°•~
I take a deep breath and walk up to the stage

I finish my performance and everyone starts going crazy. I smile thank them  for their time and head back to Bendy and Boris. "That was amazing (y/n) you did so well!" Boris said and I thank him and Bendy said " your the next big thing but don't forget about us when your famous okay?" Bendy says. "Bendy I'm not going anywhere,try as they may, I'm not leaving you guys" I say and hug Bendy and all of a sudden I feel my head pushed and my lips on Bendy's .Bendy actually kissed back so I went with the flow.*click* I hear the sound of a camera "Boris delete that " I hiss " nope this staying on the camera" he says evilly Bendy makes me face him and is red as a firetruck "did you mean to do that" he questions "my little secret" I say twinkle in my eyes " alright then we'll let's go " and off we head little did we know that a certain little girl was furious about what just happened
Hoi!!! Thanks for reading the chapter and I'm gonna go work on a fnaf text chapter boiiiii

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