Chapter 4

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Once you get to Carls', you park a few houses down, so Carl wouldn't notice your car.

You get out of the car with the paint in your hands and walk towards the house.

You look around and don't see his car there.

You knew he didn't drive anymore, Markus drove for him.

You smiled thinking about your best friend since forever. Carl and Markus was always there for you, even when Cole... yeah.

He was like a second father to you while Markus was like another brother to you.

After Cole, Markus became more of your brother to you than anything.

You'd run for 25 minuets to get to his house. Because Hank fell into drinking, all you could do was find other friends.


'I've walked for so long, my feet are hurting like crazy. I don't even know what time it is, daddy will be mad. I think I'll just.. take a seat' was running through your 10 year old mind.

You knew you what happened to Cole made your father mad. He doesn't like androids anymore, and he never will.

"Are you ok little one?" You hear a voice from behind you.

You turn around and see and man around his 50's in a wheelchair with an android pushing him. You shake your head 'no' at the older mans question.

"What happened?" He asked and signaled the android to bring him closer to you.

His wheelchair sat on the edge of the sideways, while you were sitting on the curb.

"My brother, Cole, died a few months ago and daddy hasn't been taking it well. He's sad and mad. He doesn't hurt me, I just can't stand him being sad," you explain to the older man.

He looks at his android then back at you. You had tears streaming down your face thinking about your father and brother.

"You know, I have an older son. He's about 15, would you like to meet him?" The older man says patting your back. You slowly nodded and stood from the curb.

You took the mans hand, "What's your name young lady?"

You look at him with a friendly smile, "Y/n, Y/n Anderson. What's your name?"

He chuckles a bit and answers, "My name is Carl Manfred. This is my android, his name is Markus."

You look up at the android that had a sweet smile across his face.

You gave a little smile back, not big though considering you were also angry at androids. You put your feelings aside and walked with your two new friends.

"So your Anderson's little girl? I've heard about his cases at the police station, do you want to be a police officer?" Carl asked you as you walked.

You nodded your head, "I want to be a detective like daddy."

Carl smiled at your response and nodded at Markus as he turned Carl's wheelchair sharply.

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