Ch. 4 The Unquiet Dead (9th) cont.

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I wake up later in the dreaded corspe room, the gas lights going all flickery. I get up, and touch the back of my head to feel dried blood. I start to look around, everything blurry and I feel a bit dizzy. This place is giving me the creeps.  I think this might of been the place where the corpse was first taken over by the entity. I go shake Rose awake. "Mmm...what happened?" She asks wearily. "Knocked out, both of us." I explain. "Where are we?" "Some house...what was the last thing you remember?" "Well, I was talking then that man put something up to my face and everything went" "I felt a pain in the back of my head, then blackness." I help her out of the bed thing.

"So you mind if I ask you some questions to pass the time?" She asks me. "Not at all!" "Okay so first of all, who were those people?" "Um...I believe their names were Gwyneth for the girl, and Sneed for the guy." "What different you told me your from a parallel universe. What's it like there?" "Well, I guess it's the same. But where I'm from, this is a TV show. It's not real at all. My friends and I...heh, we were huge fans. Always dreamed of traveling with the Doctor." I say and laugh to myself, Rose smiles. "So what about me? Do I stay traveling with the Doctor forever?" "Um....." My eyes start getting a bit teary. "Kinda...I can't really tell you, you a hole in the frabric of time and space and crap like that." I say quickly.

" tell me what your big adventure was when you first met the Doctor." "Omigosh...where do I start? Well...he crossed over to my universe somehow, said he was aiming for London, but the TARDIS got all weird and stuff. Basically it turns out my schoool was a prison for the dead, and the teachers were Krillitanes, last of their kind, planning to kill everybody and use some odd thing, reproducing. So I almost died and stuff, Doctor saved the day, and then my school got locked down, the Krillitanes starved. And oh my gosh, the skeletons...don't even get me started there!" I say. She laughs at my joke. "Who are the Krillitanes?" "They're like bat creatures. You'll meet them later." "Last one, so this thing going on here...does the Doctor stop it?" "In a way, yes...but basically what happens is---" "Wait, did you hear that?" Rose suddenly stops me in midsentance. "Hear what?" She shushes me and I start to hear creaks from the box that a corspe is lying in. "THE CHAPEL OF REST!" I exclaim. "What?" "That's where we are in the house..." "Oh, okay."

Suddenly, some dead dude sits up and looks straightly at Rose and I. "Are you alright?" I ask, no reply. Should of known. "You're kidding us, yeah? Your just kidding. You are kidding us, aren't you?" Rose says slowly. The man starts to climb out of the coffin and walks zombie-like towards us. "Okay, not kidding." She murmurs under her breath. Rose runs to the door as I start to throw stuff at the dead man..or the undead man.

"Let us out!!" Rose yells. The woman now reanimates in her coffin starting to walk towards us too. The man closer, I'm starting to freak out. "Okay, here goes nothing." I say and kick the man where the sun doesn't shine. Even though he's a zombie, I bet they can still feel things. He bends over in pain, giving us a bit time as the woman trips over him and falls. Plan A- working!

"OPEN THE DOOR!" I yell and start to bang on the door. I hear someone say  something. "Please please open the door!" Rose yells at the door as the man gets up and starts to walk towards Rose. I jump in front of her. "Don't take her! Whatever you do, do NOT take her! Take me! I'm not even supposed to be here! I was a mere accident that got in the way!" I yell at 'him'. "Let us out! Somebody open the door! Open the door!" Rose exclaims. The man now has me headlocked in his arms, and I'm gasping for breath.

I see the Doctor kick the door in, and come to my rescue. "I think this is my dance." He says and pulls me out of the grasp of the man. I breath heavily as Rose takes me in her arms and hugs me, I hug her back, thankful to be alive. I let go when I have my breath collected. "It's a prank. It must be. We're under some mesmeric influence." The man from the theatre says. "No, we're not. The dead are walking." He says, then turns to Rose and I, "Hi." He says as he waves. "Hello..." I say weakily. "Hi. Who's your friend?" Rose asks. "Charles Dickens." "Okay..." Rose says.

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