Ice Ice Baby

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Cat's POV

It was another challenge day. I was sitting beside Zoey who was my best friend that's a girl. I love you Mike but I can't exactly talk about boys with you. I was trying to pull my spoon out of my breakfast. What is in this gruel?

Joe and brick were trying to out eat each other when brick accidentally ate the spoon. Jo punched him and he coughed out the spoon only for it to hit Mike. He gasped and became Chester.

"Darn kids! Back in my day we used our hands to eat like decent folks!" Chester said. Zoey, oblivious to his personality, laughed thinking he was joking. He returned back to Mike.

"Loose the old man impression. It offends my sense of victory. But your Russian gymnasts Vincent and Svetlana, how do you summon such strength and precision." Jo said. Mike and I were stumbling around with excuses.

Other than lightning chocking, nothing happened until this mutated rat floated in midair trying to zap us. Everyone ran away, screaming from the mess hall. I heard Mike scream and then saw him face plant into the dirt.

I ran over to see if he was okay. "Mike. What did you get yourself into this time?" I said smiling.

I heard Chris's voice on the loud speaker. He told us to go to Mount Looming Tragedy. "Maggots, HO!" Jo said. When we finally stopped, Cameron threw up in the bushes. "If I was a hamster, I would have eaten you by now." Jo told Cameron. I feel so bad for him, you know.

Chris told us that we have to climb to the top of Mount Looming Tragedy. I started climbing and was trying to avoid nails. I turned and saw half our team on the ground. "You can do it, Cam! Focus! AHH!" Zoey said before she lost her grip. Mike grabbed her hand and pulled her up on to his ledge. "Move it, Maggots!" Jo yelled. "We're trying! Shut it!" I yelled at her.

I saw lightning still thought Jo was a boy. Anne Maria wasn't even trying! At least Cameron tried. Lightning kicked some rocks on Mike, Zoey and Cameron. "Mike! Look out!" I yelled to him but it was too late. Mike and Zoey fell on top of Cameron which caused him to fall.

"Are you guys ok?" I yelled down to Zoey. "We're fine!" She said smiling. I was climbing near Scott and lightning. "Hey babe." Scott said smirking.

/confessional in italics/

Scott is such an jerk. He's cute you know but his personality kills his looks though. Sometimes I want to kick him in the crumpets. And other timesI want to make out with him. I mean his ginger hair and his accent and- UHH! Evil!

/confessional over/

"Sup Ginger." I sized smiling cheekily. "You know my name right?" "I do but you call me babe." I said. "Yea whatever!" He said rolling his eyes. I laughed knowing I had won. But my sense of victory was short lived because I slipped. "AHH!" I screamed but then realized I wasn't falling. Scott grabbed my hand and pulled me up again. "Thanks." I said gratefully. "No problem but I'll enjoy victory for you." He said smirking.

But I saw something else in his eyes. Worry and then relief.

AWW! He really does care! But what if he's just going to use me for the game. Maybe after the game we could try but for now NO!

I kept climbing moving farther away from Scott. I saw lightning and Scott both get hit ice and fall. I was dodging ice blocks when chef decided to throw them at Jo and Brick. Jo called down to Anne Maria and made her mad! I mean kick your butt for no reason mad. She started climbing and was sit with like 3 blocks of ice. I just kept climbing not wanting to get in her way.

I saw Zoey climbing a rope, Mike using a pair of plungers and Cameron a wad of gum the size of his head to climb up. As I got to the top, I saw the rats flying up with a couch contraption. I was already on the top with Jo and Brick.

The rats won because the whole team was up there. I face palmed when Anne Maria yelled. "Die Pasty!" She ran past me, knocked me down, missed Jo and pushed brick of the mountain.

Brick yelled up that he dislocated his other arm and bit his tongue. Poor Brick!


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