POV carmen

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     I woke up in the morning listening for snoring or at least breathing or a noise from somewhere in the house. I couldn't find you i went back to sleep thinking about what had happened last night wondering if you were upset at me or if you hate me for doing something that I had no clue what. I woke up at 12:30pm and headed to the bathroom and see a razor, Your razor i say out loud. I start to cry thinking that I made you do this i thought about how much fun last night was wondering where i went wrong. I sat there for 30 minutes crying until i hear my phone go off and it was a text from you it said hey babe I'm sorry about last night i got  upset and depressed that i left and went out and got drunk. I got home around 2-4am i don't really remember tbh but I'll be home after work maybe… once i got your message i cried more thinking Did i do something to make you feel like that? Did i hurt you? Are you ok? then another thought popped up into my mind today was a Sunday afternoon you don't work today. i immediately texted you sayingbaby girl.. today is Sunday you don't have work today.. I clicked send and put the phone on charge cause it was at 3%. i went to the bathroom an threw the razor away and took a shower. once i got out i went and got some clothes i was wearing a purple shirt with black pants and my sweater i got at a convention with a youth group i used to go to. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to get something to eat but before I could get anything to eat i heard someone knocking on the door.I opened the door to one of my old friends i hadn't talked to since middle School. she was wearing a pink flower shirt and blue jeans with her hair in a ponytail and she was wearing makeup making her beautiful brown eyes pop out more. I welcomed her in and told her to make herself at home, while she sat down next to the fireplace (which was off btw) i went to make myself some food since I hadn't eaten yet. i call out to her and ask Hey Emma do you want  a drink or something to eat while I'm out here? No thanks I'm fine but thanks for offering! After getting something to eat and drink i walked back to the living room and sat down across the table from her. We talked for about 3-4 hours until i got a text from you saying no it is Monday afternoon i will be home late tonight they were busy at work and needed more help so i offered to help. I looked at your message then asked my friend what today was she said It is Monday February 18th,2023. Why carmen? Oh just asking my girlfriend texted me earlier and said she had to work and i thought today was Sunday.. Hey emma? Yes Carmen? Remember in 8th grade when i used to tell you that i swear my memory was going on me? yes carmen i remember. why? It had gotten better for a while then one day i woke up and i could not remember anything that happened from the day before through that whole month.. Jessica had to take me to the emergency room cause i couldn't even remember who she was. After a week of being in the hospital gaing my memory back slowly i was released a week after. After explaining what happened i had told her that my memorygot worse after a car accident i had a month ago. She looked at me with worried eyes and asked if i remember who my parents where and if i remembered my friend Lynnette. I told her  Yes i remember my parents they tried to destroy me and my girlfriend's life! And this girl you call my friend Lynnette, no i don't know who he/she is. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes telling me that this person lynnette used to my bestest friend since 6th grade.I had looked at her confused wondering if i knew who this person was she told me that Lynnette was a tiny twin me. I sat there for 2-4 minutes trying to remember who she was. I had no idea who she was i tried as hard as i could to remember who she was, who this person is.I told her no how matter how much a try to remember i could not remember that's when she looked down and started to cry. When you had your car crash… all a sudden the front door opens and there stands Jessica.

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