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That night I stayed the night at the hospital with you they say you had a close call because the scare was very close to your heart. They said they were going to keep you for 2 weeks to have stitches and to make sure you are not bleeding to death anywhere. They checked up on me and said nothing was wrong with me but I have to keep going to my speech therapy sessions every 2 day but I have to stay there longer. Before I only went from 2pm to 4pm now I have to go from 2pm to 7pm and the sad this is Matthias can only watch our children from 2-5pm so I have to get someone to watch the kids while I am there. I don't take them with me because they don't know why I don't talk and I don't ever want them to know. It was 10am and I had just woke up I hurt badly because there was nothing for me to sleep in so they said just for tonight I have to sleep in the chairs. The kids where at Matthias house right now I had to pick them up and take them to get something to eat they knew nothing of where you where it I was last night they as well don't know why we were gone so the constantly asked questions. After a while I got annoyed and texted Matthias to tell them to be quite. Matthias video called and kept them busy while I got them there favorite food MacDonald's. It was about 12-1pm and I had to drop them off at Matthias house and started to head to my appointment when I got a call from my appointment saying that my appointment was cancelled due to the weather out there. I decided to go shopping for new clothes for the kids since they were 5 years old they will be starting school in a month. I got them alot of cute clothes and a backpack for Sofia she loved her princess so I got a Sofia the first backpack she loved that show so I thought she would love the the book bag. I got Elijah a monster truck backpack because he loved monster trucks I cashed everything out and head to the car. It was about 4pm I drove to the house to get some stuff then I was going to go back to Matthias house to let them know my appointment was cancelled. I walked to the mailbox and grabbed the mail then went inside. I went to the kids room and got some clothes for the night some of their diapers and there favorite toys and there blanket. I went to my our room to get a blanket because they had a pull out chair I can sleep in it was much better than what I slept in last night. When I got to the room I went to grab my medicine for my ADHD, depression, and my heart. I've been take my ADHD meds since i think 6-8 years old my depression meds I have been taking since I think I was 14 same as my heart meds. When I looked on the floor I seen a condom and it had semen in it my heart dropped when I seen it  I got some latex gloves and picked it up the semen leaked out of the top of it. I noticed that the condom was broken I texted you and asked if you knew anything about it. Hay Jess did you notice this condom on my side if the bed before we went to bed? No why? When did a condom end up on the floor? Idk I'm going to take this with me when I come to visit. Ok don't touch it tho! I ain't I am using latex gloves. Do we have ziplock bags anywhere? Yes on the top shelf. Oki thanks baby! <3 your welcome hun! I put the condom in the ziplock back and got back I  the car and drove to Matthias house. I picked up the kids and asked his wife if she seen it when she picked the kids up. She had no idea about it that I should ask Matthias i ended up texting him when I got to the park, hay Matt did you see the condom in the ground next to my bed when you and your wife picked up the kids? WAIT WHAT?!? Yeah there was a condom on the floor. No I did not notice that what the fuck happened that night?! I have no clue last thing I remember is falling asleep. Ok what the fuck. I'm going to take it to the police right after I drop the kids off at your house tonight. Ok that's fine by the way ain't you supposed to be at your apartment till 7pm? Yeah they cancelled it because the weather was bad down there. Oh ok well I'm coming home you can drop the kids off now. Are you sure? I can keep them longer. No no it's fine I wanna see the little ones tonight before they fall asleep on me. Ok be their in 20. Ok see you then! : ) I dropped the kids off and took the bag to the police station and they said they will test it and give me back information when they get some. I head back to the hospital and went to your room by the time I got there it was already 9pm and I was exhausted i layed down and went to sleep. When I woke up I had 17missed calls from Matthias, his wife, the police station and some random phone number I never seen before. I called back the most important one first Matthias, because I couldn't talk I had to video call so I could talk to him I'd write down what I wanted to say and she would talk. What's up? The sky! Really Matt. Yes Carmen. Why did you call me? I was worried about you it's already 12pm and I heard nothing from you. Oh.. I am sorry I did not know it was 12. I was very tired last night. It's ok also the weather is really bad today so your appointment may be cancelled again. Ok thank you. Your welcome sweetie. I then called the police station and they told me that they tested the condom and found out it was Sebastian's. When I heard that I instantly walked around the hospital till I found a doctor and asked if there was any way I could find any way if I was pregnant or have anything wrong with me. They tested me and said I was fine and I had nothing to worry about. I calmed down and checked the voice mail the random number sent. It had said, dear Carmen and Jessica I hope you enjoy your new child if you are still alive Jessica. And Carmen if you are listening to this I'm coming for you next watch out! Hahahaha! Then the call ended I work you up and allowed you to listen to it you started to cry and told me everything is going to be alright.

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