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3 hours later I woke up from having trouble breathing I slide you off me and put u in the side of me. I try to lay down and sleep but I couldn't breathe so I called for a nurse to help me out. As she tries to help out my father walks into the room when I see him my heart just stops and I couldn't breathe at all then everything went black and I fell asleep. Or so I thought!? I woke up with the breathing mask back on me and everyone was crying when I went to grab the paper to ask what was wrong you look up and see me and run over to me and hug me. You let go and I grab the paper and ask what was wrong. You say that I when I passed out my heart stopped and killed me they had to bring you back to life you were in a coma for a whole week now. I look at you and start to cry you lightly hug me and tell me it's ok I write on the paper did I scare my dad? Is he ok? You respond and say, no you did not  and yes he is ok he just left about 4 hrs ago. I look at her and ask, I'm not able to talk any more ain't I?  She looks at me and says, how did you know? I tell you on the paper that I can tell also I can see in in ur face. You start to cry and shake your head yes and you walk out the room Luis and Lynnette come over and keep me calm as you sit in the hallway crying trying to calm down. 5 days later I was released and was able to go home but Matthias had to literally move in cause he had to be there almost 24 hours a day to take care of me. You had to do all the working you worked double shifts so we all had money in the house to feed the kids and us. Matthias's wife watched the kids while I layed in bed  all the time I was literally on bed arrest. One day it was around the time you usually came home for the night but you never came I started to get worried I grabbed my phone which was always accessible for me and called you and texted you and I got no response. I asked Matthias to call your work and see if you had left already by then it was 1 hr past the time you were supposed to come home. I started crying when the house phone rings Luis answers is since he was the closest to it. He was only there to check up on me. 30 minutes late he is literally screaming and I ask what was wrong through my phone, he says that Jessica is in jail for 2 years for attempt of murder. I went to scream at here but nothing came out then I started crying and I didn't stop no matter what.

A story about two loversWhere stories live. Discover now