40 - sweater

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i stood at the door and rang the bell over and over again. still no answer.

my legs began to get tired from standing there for the last 20 minutes and i sat on the steps of the porch.

and i waited.

my body was resting but my mind was extremely active. i couldn't stop thinking of that day.

-1 week ago-

"he paid me."

"minho? what are you a prostitute? isn't that illegal?!"

"of course not minho. minho wouldn't pay to frame himself."

"then who?!"

"your lover boy hwang hyunjin."


"he paid me to dance with minho and eventually get him drunk enough to do whatever i say."

"are you saying-"

"yes i'm saying that minho didn't sleep with me. hyunjin said to make it look like we did. and i guess it worked."

"yeah. did he give you an explanation why?"

"he said something about minho stealing you away when they were young. i'm guessing you would know what that means. but i did t care to ask."

"somehow i feel like you aren't completely the bad guy in this story anymore."


"never mind. i just. i need to go."


i tucked my knees into my chest and put my head down. "i can't believe it's taken me a week to think this through and finally be here...just to wait even longer."

as i was looking down into my lap i felt something soft on my back. i touched it and realized. i looked up and finally there he was.

"you looked cold."

i touched the fabric of the sweater and smiled with tears coming to my eyes. the small gesture reminded me of how we used to be. before all of this drama had interfered with our beautiful friendship. when he used to give me the sweaters off his back whenever i was cold. to keep me warm.

"lee minho. i'm so sorry. i-"

"shh." minho extended his hand out to me and this time i took his hand in mine and he helped me off of the stairs of his porch. "before you get all emotional, let's get you inside first, okay?"


- - -

can.....can you believe the next chapter is the last chapter? iM gOiNG tO cRy

sweaters | lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now