Chapter 40

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Ambers POV

As I was thinking about love, someone caught my attention by tapping on a mic. Making a Boom Boom sound in the background. I look up and I see my mom standing there in her beautiful dress.

"So ... In every casual wedding there's the bridesmaids and groomsmen right ?" She asked and everyone said yea. She laughed and everyone chuckled at her laugh.

"You just see them stand there and do nothing." She said and every chuckled at the same.

"Well today they are gonna embarrass themselves and dance." She said and everyone looked at me and the other bridesmaids and groomsmen.

"Don't worry. they won't grind on each other." She laughed while saying it. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"So can I have all my groomsmen and bridesmaids?" She asked and we all stood up.

I look over at Brad and he stood up and started taking his jacket and bowtie off. I hear everyone cheering as we all made our way to the dance floor.

Brad stood in front of me as I examined his "tuxedo". I smiled and he held his hand out. I grabbed it and his other hand found its way to my back. He pushed me closer to him, leaving no space in between. The music started playing and we started moving left then right.

Everyone had a partner. One bridesmaid was paired with another groomsmen. It was cute. There was a spotlight that hit on all of us and the whole room was dark.

I then hear "Woooo go Amber!" I laughed and so did Brad. I looked away as we were dancing to soft music in the background.

I lightly rested my head on Brad shoulder as he kept looking straight. His hand felt warm. Is it bad that I'm thinking about Austin right now?

"Are you okay?" I hear him whisper in my ear. I nodded yea and we kept on moving side to side.

"You don't seem okay." He said with his thick accent. I lifted my head off his shoulder as I looked at him.

"I'm fine ... I'm just thinking." I said as we both pulled away from each other and he twirled me around then back toward him.

"About what?" He asked and I didn't want to talk about it. My arm rested on his left shoulder as his as made his way back around my back.

"You're thinking about him ... aren't you?" He asked and I looked back at him. He smiled and he pointed to Austin with his lips. I nodded because he was right.

"Its kinda cute .." He said and I looked up at him. He smiled and I see small dimples appear on his cheek.

"What's cute?" I asked as I rested my head on his shoulder again.

"How you still love Austin even though he has a girlfriend." He said lowly so only I can hear. I couldn't say I didn't love Austin because I would be lying to myself.

Scattered. (Austin Mahone FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang