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There are some who live carefully. And some who live recklessly.

I just try to live for the sake of living.

"Hey dad, when can I get my own roller skates?"

This was a time when everything was alright. When everything felt normal. When I was young and so innocent.

His eyes reflect from the mirror, his hand steady on the wheel.

"Well, it will happen only after you pass your math test." He lets out a chuckle as I exasperated.

"But dad!"

"No buts, Reese. You know how important those tests are." He lifts a finger in the air, chiming. "They are-"

"-an essential part of your life. Preparing you for college..." I groan, reciting those same words, for the thousandth time. "But you know that becoming a nurse doesn't need fricking algebra!"

"Reese, language."

I huff and cross my arms. "But you got Zack an electric scooter when he only got a B in his English class, last year! And it was an English class! Not a difficult foreign language!"

"Well, that's because he's earned it, honey." My mother looks over her shoulder, her dark brown eyes shining with those gentle gaze. "You should understand the responsibilities he has to carry. Your brother needed that scooter because he was struggling to get to his classes in college."

"Now, Marian," my father interjects. "Zack deserved it because he needed a boost in his self-esteem."

I raised my hands up, filled with disbelief.

"I need my self-esteem boosted, right now!"

"So you want a scooter, then?"

I groan, "Dad."

My mother chastised him with a whack on his shoulder while he giggled. I did not know it back then, but it was moments like this that made me cherish the time I had back then.

Made me wish to go back in time and relive that moment again....


"Don't do it, Reese!"

I snap out of my reverie and look around my surroundings. Remembering the situation I face.

Soldiers surrounded me with their guns pointing. The ceiling lights show their tall stout bodies shadowing me as I hold the glowing object in my hand. Sweat gathering on my palms.

I look back, my heart races, staring at the faces of my frightened friends. Their hands kept behind their backs by the uniformed men. They struggle to break free.

But I doubt any of us can escape...

"I would say that I have no interest in prolonging this any longer, Reese puffs. But I believe you owe me an answer."

My breathing ceased as I face the mad man behind this. I look deep into his dark blue eyes, and I tremble, looking at the small scar cut across his forehead. It reminded me the first time we met.

To think we met before all this chaos. We shook hands like normal people. But not this is madness.

My panic subsides and turns into rage.

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