Chapter 1

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Neffex - Best of Me


           I lift the ladle and pour the hot soup into the bowl. The content warms the bowl on my palm as I give it to the young man across the table. He nods as I greet him and he moves along. I observe the long line, greeting every person that comes by taking a bowl from me.

Today, I see many new faces. Coming in to get a meal tonight. I see different kinds of people coming here every day. Some stay and chatter amongst the other young teens while some don't stay long and leave, once their belly is filled for the day. 

I wondered if there were any more clothes in the donation box so that it can be handed down to the regulars here. Yet, Sofia says that it can be difficult to get clothes in the middle of the month as people would be busy working or doing their own things. Which is understandable. 

But looking at their clothes covered in holes and tears makes me wish I could do so much more than serving them. 

"Here you go, Maya." Her hands grip onto the bowl before placing it onto her tray. 

"Thank you, Reese. Today's meal looks delicious." I nod my head in agreement and smile at her. 

She is the only girl that ever did more than greet me. Ever since I started volunteering for the home she's been here even before that. We got to know each other a little since I started coming here. It's great to see her around. 

"I couldn't agree more," I said, as I pass a bowl of soup to the teenage boy behind her. "Carlos got some fresh ingredients this morning and he wanted to make it extra special since we don't usually get these kinds of meals every day."

I look down at her tray. Tonight's meal is lemon chicken with stir-fried rice and veggies with 15 bean soup. Carlos really has outdone himself with today's meal.

I even heard that today's breakfast and lunch was so delicious. I heard breakfast was blueberry pancakes with homemade syrup and lunch was Swedish meatballs with cranberry sauce.

My stomach grumbles and I shyly place a hand over it as Maya giggles.

"Have you eaten?" 

I chuckle, "I've just been busy."

Maya sighs and I recognize the disapproving look in her eyes. "The usual, huh?" 

"Yeah." I sigh. "Schoolwork. You know how it is."

"Yeah. I do. But you still gotta eat!" 

"I will when I get home tonight. Promise." 

She laughs and moves along with the line. Before she halts and turns back. "Can you help me know..."

I give her a thumbs up and nod. "Same time tomorrow?"

"Will do!"

I giggle as she moves out of the line, leaving a group of grumbling, hungry teens.

Once everyone has received their meals, I begin to scoop out whatever soup is left in the pot and leave the extra out for anyone who wants it. Then a familiar guitar begins to play as I begin to clean up my section. 

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