Chapter 2

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Jennifer's POV

I sit in front of Harry in his table focusing on the work I'm doing with my laptop.

"By what time do you need this file again?"

"3 pm, I got a board meeting"

"Okay, I just need reminding"

I went back on working and I didn't notice that he is just staring at me. He then touched my ear and wiggled it.

I looked at him. "What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to touch your ear" He grinned.

I scoffed and then laughed. "Why?"

"Because it's your ear and I want to touch it"

I couldn't stop laughing. "You are so funny"

He just laughs with me as I carried on working.


"Come in"

Leah then walks in with Harry's lawyer.

"Oh Steve, it's great to see you"

"It's great to see you both here too"

"What brings you here?"

"This" I looked at him holding an envelope in the air.

"What is that?"

"Your approved divorce papers"

"Really?" Harry rushed to him.

"It's in here, take a look" He then removed the papers from the envelope.

I looked and read it with Harry. And it really is the divorce papers and it's already approved.

I looked at Harry and his eyes were full of happiness. He immediately hugged me.


Author's Note

Annnnddddd....we're back! lol. We're very sorry for the long wait. It's over now! get your tissues ready. and for those who still loves to backread the very first chapter of MAS up to Chapter 48, don't worry...we'll post the whole story again. but for now, We hope you enjoy MAS 2. ♥


~Long live Harrifer~

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