Chapter 17

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Jennifer's POV

I can feel myself snuggling to this person beside me, whose arm is wrapped around my shoulder.

I can hear a heartbeat as I knew that I am resting my head on someone's chest.

I went to full consciousness. I opened my eyes.

I see Harry

I smiled knowing that I was safe with him.

Quite so, I removed his arms from my shoulder slowly.

He groaned a little and fluttered his eyes.


I sit up properly. "I'm sorry to wake you up"

He stretches his arms and looked at me and grinned. "It's okay"

I looked at my watch. 2:11 am

"Look I have to go, it's really late"

He looked at his watch as well. "Hmm we really fell asleep watching that movie"

I giggled a little. "That's why, I gotta go home"

"Let me take you home" He held my hand. And for some reasons, it felt awkwardly amazing.

I was about to hesitate but he's my friend anyways and I really feel comfortable around him now.

"Is that a yes?"

I nodded and smiled. "Are you sure you really want to? It's late"

"Yeah it is, and I don't want you to get into trouble just trying to go home at 2 in the morning"

I laughed. "Okay then"

"Just let me get my jacket"


He smiled at me and then went upstairs to get a jacket.

It seems unreal for me though. Just yesterday, I wanted him to get hit by a lighting and now look at him being all of a gentleman. And I dove in immediately.

Guess everyone is telling the truth, we were close as fit.

Harry's POV

We're in my car now going to her apartment.

"Harry" She then looked at me.

I looked back at her. "Mhmm?"

"Tell me more about myself ... or rather tell me more about us"

My mind stopped thinking. If only I could tell you the real thing Jennifer.

"Um sure, just to where I can okay?"

"Sure" She smiled big and shifted herself a little in the car seat to look at me while talking.

I miss this Jennifer. I just wanna hug her.

I gripped a little tighter on the driver's wheel to help myself.

"Well, we're friends. Really good friends"

"Then why are you so bossy to me though?"

"Because I'm your boss" I sarcastically laughed.

She rolled her eyes and raised an eyebrow. "You know what I mean"

I chuckled looking at her. I want you here Jennifer, in my arms where you could feel safe every time.

"Well I'm very strict at work but believe me, out of work we are just two peas in a pod"

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