After the show

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After the show you were sat in your seat in front of the stage as everybody began to leave. You were just sat, content and thinking. You were relaxed and in trance. Looking at the note, you wondered about what it could have said. You didn't want to open it just yet because you wanted it to be some sort of build up like in the movies making yourself question "*gasp* what could it be?".
After about 25 minutes of sitting peacefully in the empty arena you got told by security that they were cleaning up and that you had to leave so you got your stuff together and went to sit in a bar in the arena, which was massive. Once you ordered a J2O, you opened the note to read:
"You're adorable. That look in your eyes made me melt. Please take my number. I'd love to meet you again in the hope that it is just as magical as this. *insert number*"

You stared at the note with teary eyes. You couldn't believe what you were reading. It seriously was like something from a movie. You added the number to your contacts and then called your mum to tell her you were ready to go home.

{Time skip}
You arrived back at your hotel and dropped your bag and jacket then flopped onto your bed. You shut your eyes and drifted off to sleep. Yet again you dreamt of bts and chill weather and nature.
{Time skip}
You woke up the next morning from the sun shining through your hotel rooms window and the sound of traffic outside. You checked your phone; "9:48am"
You got up out of bed and rubbed your eyes as you walked over to the bathroom to get a shower. You got dressed, did your hair and makeup and put some clothes on:

 You got dressed, did your hair and makeup and put some clothes on:

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You left your hotel room with your bags and headed home with your mum

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You left your hotel room with your bags and headed home with your mum. On your way home, you went onto you phone and messaged jungkook. You didn't know what to say so you just sent a picture of the note with "Hey, it's {Y/N}! You gave me this note so hey aha =^U^="

After about half an hour he replied with:
Jungkook: "Oh wow! You actually messaged me! Aha! I didn't think you would really do it ^♡^"
You: "I didn't know what to say lmao but tbh I think any fan would message you if they were in my shoes ahehe UwU"
Jungkook: "Well it just so happens that you were the one to catch my attention. Your eyes are mesmerising... sorry if I seem a bit strange but you have so much emotion in your eyes (not just from your tears aha) but it was almost like I could see right into you."
Jungkook: "... I sound like a creep now, yes?
You: "No no no! Don't worry! You're sweet! I can't believe this is happening tbh... Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. But I still don't know why you chose me out of a big big crowd of people... why me?"
Jungkook: "You made me feel things that I have never felt before..."
You: "and no other girl in that arena caught your eye?"
Jungkook: "No. You seemed special."
Jungkook: "But I don't want it to "seem" if that makes sense. I'd like to meet you again, like that note said"
You: "But aren't you going back to Korea like... tomorrow?"
Jungkook: "not until the 11th. I need to see you again {Y/N}"
You: "But I don't actually live in London :("
Jungkook: "We could meet somewhere else..."
You: "But won't you get noticed there on your own with a girl?"
Jungkook: "If I'm with my hyungs they wouldn't question it.. you could be our personal assistant or makeup and hair stylist for all they know"
You: "Well I suppose. I really would love to meet you again!"
Jungkook: "Tomorrow?"
You: "Yes! I can come on my mo-ped. What time and where?"
Jungkook: "whatever is best for you.?"
You: "9:30 am? At Xscape centre?"
Jungkook: "Yep! My hyungs said that they'd love to go! They think it's interesting to "interact with fans" for a longer time and in more "depth"... whatever that means ahaha"
You: "Awh! Aha! I'm looking forward to it!"
Jungkook: "Me too! I'll see you tomorrow! ^♡^ XX"
You: "see you tomorrow! X"

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