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When the doctor came back with the results they were all negative, witch means I'm perfectly fine. The doctor however still doubts it!

'Maybe it is something in your mind?'
'So you think I'm crazy?'
'I never said that'
'You think I am, don't you?'
'I'm not a judgmental person, I think everything has a reason and a cause'
'So you think I'm ill?'
'I don't know yet, all I know right now is that you are a little judgmental!'

The doctor sat down at his desk and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper.

'So where do we start?'
'At the beginning'
'You didn't loose your sense of humor'
'Do you remember what happens clearly or a bit vague?'
'So it didn't feel like a dream?'
'No! Besides if it was a dream I had to be asleep for a couple of weeks! Isn't that a little unrealistic'
'Not if you were drugged by someone. Your parents said the last person you saw was a boy named Sean, is that correct?'
'So who was he?'
'Sean was a new classmate, we had to do a project together. I didn't really know him'
'Is it possible he drugged you?'
'No! He would never do that!'
'You just said you didn't really know him'
'Are you here to help me or accuse me?!'

This doctor was wracking my nerves! And I was wracking his nerves! The doctor stood up.

'We will have this conversation later'

I rolled my eyes after he had left the room. I laid down on the bed and stared at the sealing. All I could think of was what would've happened if I red the note in time. The funny thing is that when I was in the kingdom all I wanted was to go home, but now I'm back it doesn't feel like home. I never thought I would say this but I want nothing more than to go back.

Someone knocked on the door, but opened it right away. It was my mother. She slowly walked towards me and sat down on the bed.

'Are you awake!'
'I am'
'So... how are you doing?'
'Despite the fact that everyone thinks I'm crazy, I'm good'
'Lana, we're sorry but...'
'I know but can't we just forget about it and move on?'
'No! You've been gone for weeks, we thought you were dead. And all of the sudden you appear, with no logical explanation where you have been all this time'
'Honey, we are worried about you. We believe Sean did something to you. Either you don't want to talk about it or you don't remember because he drugged you!'
'What does dad have to say about all this? Or Dean?!'
'They went to the police, they are looking for Sean'

Good luck with that! They won't find him, since he isn't anywhere near here.

'So no one believes me?'
'You know what? Just go!'
'No! I don't wanna hear it! Since neither one of you cares to listen to me!'

I had a hard time holding my tears back. So did my mother. She stood up and turned around, trying to hide the fact that she was crying. Seeing her cry made me feel even worse!

It hurts to not be able to make them believe me, it hurts to know that nothing will go back to the way it used to be. It hurts to want to change something so badly but you just aren't able to accomplish any of it! All I can do right now is wish how things could be, how they should be.

It was the next morning, not that I slept. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened and what didn't happen. I know it sound weird but it makes sense in my head, sort of.

I stood up and walked towards the little bathroom. There was a back filled with my stuff, my mother brought it with her yesterday. I opened the bag and the first thing I saw was my necklace. I had to take all of my jewelry off and change into this hospital clothing. I grabbed the necklace and put it on. I was standing in front of the mirror and had the same vision I had the first time.

I hopped this necklace would make me feel better, but like everything lately made me feel worse. I looked up and saw Sean's reflection in the mirror, I instantly turned around. However he wasn't there. When I turned back towards the mirror he was still there.

'Sean? Is that really you?'
'It is, I came to see how you were doing. So... how are you?'
'I'm a mess! Everyone thinks I'm crazy. My own family locked my up in this hospital!'
'Sean, you were right'
'About what?'
'Everything! I should've listened to you, I should've red the letter before I made a decision. I wish I could go back!'
'I'm not saying it's possible but If you could go back, where would you go? Back to the kingdom or back to your 15th birthday'

That was a tough choice, if I went back to my 15th birthday I would have my family back. However the kingdom would still be ruled by The Evil Queen and I would still be searching for my birth parents. Even though my family loved my, I didn't feel at home. If I could go back to the kingdom I had to marry Sean, and...

'I think I know'
'Tell me, were do you want to go?'

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