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"You betrayed yourself."

He immediately pulled away, securing a space between us that felt more like a gulf. I stared at him from my position on the floor, confused. He is the one who betrayed me. The one who sold me. The only who broke me.

"You betrayed me and yourself for a man who keeps you captive."

"I didn't betray you for your cousin. I never had anything to do with him beyond an acquaintance until you and I were long over and done with."

"You expect me to believe that?" He questioned, eying me with disdain. "He'll do anything, you know, anything to make sure you're his and no one else's."

"Sounds like someone I know." I hissed back.

"I loved you. I told you what I wanted to do - how I wanted to free our people."

"Free our people?" I shouted. "Free our people? And how are you going to do that, Erik?"

"Wakanda has the weapons that our people can use to free themselves and rule over their oppressors. You know this. I'm going to show you and everyone else." I was already shaking my head before he could even finish his sentence. 

"Free them from their oppressors?" I asked, doubt coloring my words. "With weapons from Wakanda our people will continue to do the same thing they have always done. Hate each other and now, with newer weapons, kill each other on a larger scale. The type of life you're imagining does not exist, Erik."

"It will exist." He vowed. "Once I'm crowned King of Wakanda, and then, you'll give me another son. This one will make sure the bloodline stays alive."

Fear racked through me. Another son? The very thought of being pregnant again make me sick to my stomach. I couldn't risk it. I couldn't bring the possibility that another baby would die and leave me broken. My head shook wildly, back and forth, and I wiped my sweaty palms on the body suit before tightening my arms around my waist.

"No." I denied it. "I will not give neither you nor T'Challa another son."

The sounds of his boots echoed through the space as he angrily made his way back over to me. Our life, before it was destroyed, flashed before me again. I had thought myself so in love with man before me. He'd wined and dined me and damn near drove me crazy between the sheets. Before I knew what was happening I had not only signed over my heart, but my life as well and let myself become fully immersed in his world.

When he told me of his plans to use the Wakandan technology to "even" the playing field for all blacks I'd laughed. Surely... surely this man was just kidding. Surely these words were just pipe dreams. But they hadn't been. He'd turned out to me more than the Ph.D, military man that he had presented. And when he finally revealed his connection to the throne, I'd frozen on the spot- unable to push passed the fear that jumbled in my throat.

As I stared up at him now, watching as he crouched down on the floor where I sat - it all washed over me. It didn't matter which cousin it was, there would never be a day in my life where I would be safe from the other. They would both want what I couldn't give them - want it enough to force it on me.

His hand cupped my cheek, but I yanked myself away and pushed back against the wall. Annoyance passed across his features and he leaned closer, crowding what little space I still had. I continued to stare at him, running my eyes over his handsome features and feeling a catch in my heart. There would never be a day where I didn't feel love for him. In his own twisted way he was only doing what he thought was right. Ambition looked good on him. 

Too bad it was his ambition that drove us apart in the first place.

"So you have this dream... right?" I baited him, watching his head bob up and down in a positive motion. "That you'll be the king of Wakanda and I'll be your queen. You'll free the downtrodden blacks in the hood and then, you'll rule the world."

"With you as my queen," his hands traveled to my stomach, pushing away my arms. "And my son in your belly."

"What about what I want?" 

His head tipped to the side and he narrowed his eyes, "what do you want, Mira?"

"To be free of you." 

A groan traveled out of me just as his hands reached my face. I gritted my teeth against the harsh grip he had on my face, but I met his hostile gaze with no regrets. What I wanted had to matter to someone, even it were to me and the words were left unsaid after so many attempts to escape had failed. 

"Listen to me, Mira," a shiver of fear climbed my spine. Cold and unflinching his brown eyes latched onto mine. "You will never escape me. You are mine. You were mine the day I first saw you and you are mine now. There is no end with us. There never was and never will be. Get this through your head."

"And if I don't agree? If I try to fight?"

His body leaned closer, fully taking up my line of sight. Warm lips pressed to my ear right before he spoke.

"Then I'll break you."

I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'll update soon with a longer one. 

Thank you,

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