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I stepped through the overgrowth, pushing aching, tired limbs through mile after mile of brush on bare feet. Little bloody feet prints could be seen on the green grass. They followed me on my journey, leaving behind a sticky path. A testament to my will.

The trees broke apart to expose a winding road. Heat from the sun suddenly was baring down  on my back with a vengeance as I neared the smooth black asphalt, but I barely noticed the heat at the sight of a powder blue Prius slowing down to a stop in front of me. Slapping on an innocent smile, I waited patiently as he rolled down the window.

A man sat behind the wheel, he was alone. His curly blonde locks blocked one of his vivid blue eyes from view. I tipped my head the side in pretended curiosity and smiled wider, exposing my teeth in a grin that was more predatory than nice. He seemed to need to gather himself, gently shaking his head for a moment before pulling his thin lips apart to speak.

"Need a ride, sweetheart?" I laughed good naturedly. "My momma always told me not to get in the car with strangers."

He smiled again, exposing a set of dimples that added to the sparkle in his eyes. His body leaned towards the passenger seat as his eyes roamed my form. I bit back a retort that would sizzle him and instead, leaned forward as well to give him a eyeful of my cleavage.

"I'm Frederick." His mouth called out, "there. We aren't strangers anymore."

"I guess not." A laughed tumbled between my lips again, but I held my sticky grin. "I'm Porsche." The lie slipped out between us with ease that I hadn't felt in years. He nodded his head, letting me glimpse his crooked smile. 

He seemed to believe me well enough before steering a slow look around us. His exposed eyebrow pulled towards the center of his forehead in what I guessed was confusion. Patiently, I waited until his look came full circuit, behind me, then behind his car and finally, out his driver's side window. I was still slightly crouched towards his window when he was done with his perusal. 

"Were you having car trouble, Porsche?" 

"No." I shrugged, keeping my smile in place.

"This place is pretty isolated. How did you get so far out here?"

I let my smile dip from my face and sent what I hoped was a look of fear behind me to the trees. My spine jilted a bit, letting a shiver of fear start at my shoulders and tremble down through my spine. Concern sparkled in his level gaze, and he leaned closer and lowered his voice.

"Are you in danger?" I chewed my bottom lip and nodded my head, reluctantly. Instantly, Frederick leapt into action. His lean frame fully eased over the console and he pushed the passenger door open with more force than necessary. Clumsily, and still in character, I let it slightly bump my shoulder as I turned to miss it. "I'm sorry!" 

With trembling fingers I rubbed my shoulder while i stepped away from his open car door. He beckoned me inside, glancing the behind me towards the trees again. There was no one coming; I knew that for sure. None fo the Avengers would come after me, at least, not yet. Not a single one was anywhere close to come after me for a few more hours.

His fingers curled to me again, patiently inviting me into his car. I watched his hand motions for a moment more letting all my fears fall to my feet. My body was bending to sit into his car without a second thought. It felt alien. It felt weird. Placing myself inside the vehicle of a stranger just to put a plan in motion that may or may not get me killed.

"Seat belt, please." He muttered. The car didn't move until he heard the telltale sound of the belt clinking into place.

Then we were off, zipping down the empty road well above speed limit. I clutched my hands together and snuck a quick look at him from the corner of my eye. He stared straight ahead with his hands at 10 and 2. A smirk lifted the right side of my mouth at his safety precautions. We drove for a while longer, relaxing in the cool breeze of the air conditioner and mile after mile of greenery. It was at least 20 minutes before his odd mix of pre-pubescent and nasally sounding voice made another appearance.

Not My King ✔ [Black Panther Fan-Fiction][Editing]Where stories live. Discover now