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Tord dropped me off at the hospital before he went to work. I didn't recognise the receptionist this time.
"Hello, how can I help you?"
"I'd like to see Matthew Murphy if it's possible" I shuffled my feet as she typed on her computer.
"Yep, go through. Room-"
"1996" We said in unison as I walked off towards my friend.

I found they nearest doctor and checked that it was only if I could go in. They said yes and opened the door for me. Murph was lying in the bed, his skin pale. He no longer had the tracker on his ankle. His knees were pulled up to his chest and he chewed his fingernails subconsciously.
"Murph?" I said quietly. He looked at me but said nothing.
"Murph" I repeated.
"How come you came back?" He asked me, his eyes tired.
"You're my mate" I told him. I took the chair from the corner of the room and moved it to his bedside, sitting down.
"As much as you upset me, Tord told me that we just had to push on. Yes, I missed you a lot but I needed to focus on myself." He watched my lips as I spoke.
"We've written some songs for when you get out. We just need your vocals" I smiled at him. He moved out of his bed and wrapped his arms around me. He was so small.
"Have you been eating?"
"Of sorts" I told me, pulling away.
"Can I just use your bathroom?" I asked and he nodded, pointing to the door across from his bed.

I entered the small room and the pungent smell of stale vomit filled my nostrils. I ran over to the toilet and threw up. The smell was so strong I couldn't keep my breakfast down.
"Are you okay?" I heard Murph call from the other room as I hurled again. He came up behind me and pulled my hair out of my eyes. All I could smell was sick. I sat away from the bowl and Murph wiped my mouth with some toilet roll.
"You should be doing this for me" he smiled.
"When will you be out?" I asked him after a few moments of silence. "I miss you being in the flat."
"I'll be home soon" He told me, lying me down on the floor. I traced his fingers up and down my arm.
"Is this actually helping you?" I asked him, sceptical.
"Believe it or not, it is. I had that slip up but that was because I wasn't taking my meds. You put the common sense into me when you came to visit. I knew that I needed to get better for you and Tord" I smiled. That argument might have saved his life.

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