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I came back from work at nine in the evening. Tord was home and he was eating chips and watching Antiques Roadshow.
"Yours are on the counter" He gestured towards the kitchen when he heard the door close.
"Cheers" I put my chips on the plate and went and sat next to him.
"Where's Murph?"
"He went back to Nottingham with Rose"
"What?! He's got an appointment tomorrow" I looked at Tord.
"He said he wanted to go. They've really kicked it off apparently" He carried on eating chips as if it was nothing.
"We need to go and get him" I put my plate down and grabbed my phone.
"Leave it Dan, he'll come back" I looked at him.
"I'm ringing him." I got up and went to my room.

His phone didn't even ring. It just went straight to voicemail. I sat on my bed and thought about when I tried to get hold of Saga before her number was disconnected. Before I could stain my face with tears, I wiped them away and went back to the living room. I sat back down and started scrolling through my phone.
"What are you doing now?"
"Looking for Annie's number"
"Annie as is Mark Stanthem's sister?"
"Yeah. She might still have Rose's number, they were kinda close"
"Don't you?"
"Tord, if I had Rose's number, I would call her" I rolled my eyes and clicked on Annie's contact.
"Hello? Dan?" She sounded more mature that when we last spoke.
"Hey Annie, how are you?"
"I'm okay. We haven't talked in ages, is everything okay?"
"To cut a long story short, do you have Rose Church's number?"
"Rose?" She said, pausing. I could hear her breathing from the other end of the phone.
"I do. Why?"
"Murph has gone back to Nottingham with her and we need to find her" I told her, pacing the room. Tord looked at me over the back of the sofa. There was hesitation from Annie's end.
"It's 077982482" She told me.
"I've got to go. Say hi to Mark for me"
"Will do, thanks very much" I hung up and sighed.
"Well?" Tord asked.
"I got it. Just need to call her now" I typed in her number.
"He's so irresponsible" I shook my head, putting the phone to my ear. It rang for a while and then she picked up.
"Hello?" Her voiced sounded the same as it did two years ago but more gruff, like she smoked a lot more than she used to.
"Rose, it's Dan Haggis" I told her, she didn't reply for a few moments.
"What do you want?" Murph asked.
"Come home"
"Why? I'm enjoying myself here"
"Murph, you've got an appointment tomorrow"
"Fuck the appointment. I'm okay now" I said nothing.
"Just come home" I told him before hanging up.

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