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(Flash back, still in Dan's POV)

I knocked on Murph's garage door with my foot. My hands were carrying two bags filled with cider and vodka. Paul was by my side, carrying a bottle of Frosty Jack's in each hand. The shutter came up and Murph stood there, a cigarette in his mouth.
"Come in then" He said. Rose, Mark, Annie and Emily were already inside. Mark was carefully rolling a joint on the table. Murph's garage was basically set out like our hangout place. There was a two battered two seater sofas, a big comfy armchair that Murph always sat in, the Murphy's old dining room table in the middle of that and a tv hung on the wall. Murph's dad had plumbed in a toilet and a sink which was covered by a curtain in the corner of the room. This was the perfect sesh room.
"Hi guys" I said, putting down the alcohol on the table.
"Careful" Mark scolded and I sat down on the sofa next to Annie.
"What time's Saga getting here?" Rose asked me, dragged on her cigarette from Murph's chair. He walked over to her and motioned for her to get up and he was met with a glare.
"I'm not sure. Soon I think"
"You're her boyfriend, you should know!" She smiled.
"And you're her best friend" I poured myself a drink. Murph stood awkwardly next to Rose and she put out her cigarette in the ashtray and jumped up and came over to get a drink.
"How much have we got?" Paul asked.
"Same as usual" Mark told him.

After we were suitably hammered and high, we all lay around on the sofas and chatted. Saga still hadn't shown up.
"Where is she?" Rose cried. She was sat at Murph's feet and leant her head back into his lap.
"Maybe she's not coming" I checked my phone for any texts. Nothing.
"Have you called her?" Paul asked. I nodded.
"Maybe this is her way of breaking up with you" Murph laughed, downing his drink.
"You're gonna end up in fucking rehab one day, the amount you drink" Rose looked up at him.
"Nah, it's the rock and roll life innit"
"I wouldn't call you a rocker" She laughed. I spent the rest of the night trying to not look that bothered that Saga hadn't shown face. People eventually started to fall asleep until it was just me and Mark left.
"Wanna go for a walk?" He asked quietly. I nodded and we left the garage as quietly as we could.

"Is it just me that is getting bored of the seshs?" He asked as we started to head up to the playing field at the end of Murph's road.
"They all pass out by about half 11" I sighed. It was usually just me and Mark left awake as the others too it too hard and either got too depressed or sick to not just fall asleep. Mark lit a cigarette and offered me one.
"I'm good"
"You're the only one of us that doesn't smoke. How haven't you succumbed yet?" he asked.
"I'd rather not get lung cancer, yknow" Mark shrugged.
"Fair enough" We kept walking and sat down under a tree at the playing field. Further up there were some teenagers clearly getting high for the first time.
"This might be our last sesh before everyone goes to uni" I said, playing with the grass at my feet.
"Murph won't let everyone go to uni without another party"
"Well, I know the three of us are staying on to go to LIPA but Rose is moving to Nottingham in two weeks, Annie and Emily are leaving in what, three weeks? I don't know where Saga is going" Mark was silent for a while before answering.
"I guess she's always been a kind of private person."
"She doesn't fucking tell me anything Mark"
"I'm sure she'll come round. She can't just up a leave"

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