Halfway to the destination

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The long-awaited day of the boys arrived: Jane would begin her first ballet class and Patrick begin his first skate lesson. the emotion of both infected those around him. Jane's mother was super happy, so much so that days before she went through all the stores in the city to buy everything she needs to dance, such as shoes, to ecaps, socks, hose, dresses, tutu, hair accessories and more. As I wanted to surprise his daughter, I keep all these gifts in the suitcase of his car but they were so many that he had to ask his eldest son Carlton to keep some things in his car so that he would not notice. When the moment arrived, Katherine would surprise her with all those present, but an hour before she began to comb her hair in front of the TV on the Ballet Channel. finishing the hairstyle, Katherine calls Carlton to help her with the gifts and they go to the garage to look for them while Jane looks in the mirror to see how her mother's hairstyle was. Seconds later, Jane's face of joy was immense for the amount of gifts; she could not wait even a second to open them and try everything, she was super delighted and fascinated, there was nothing she would not like and she wanted to use everything for her first class but she did not give her enough time to choose what to wear since Peyton arrived to take her to the academy along with Patrick, David and Sabrina who would go to train the club, so he stayed with what he was wearing: a pink maya, a pink stockings, a pink hair ornament and pink sleeves, since that was his color favorite and made her feel like a princess. Katherine called her down and Peyton was touched to see her so beautiful and radiant, so he could not help but say:

- But what a beautiful girl! Excited about this new adventure? -

Jane, super anxious and excited, ran out of the house forgetting her bag, so Katherine screamed at him and said:

- Wait! You can not leave yet! You are forgetting the bag, also the shoes are for the time you are in class, so come to put on some shoes, take your bag and put warm clothes up-

Go back into the house super fast and dresses hurriedly , grabs her purse and runs to Payton's car because she wanted to arrive early for her first class to warm up before the teacher arrived, but inside was Patrick, who ran over the excitement and ended up sitting on top of him, but he did not say anything because, just like Jane, he was super excited and just thought about getting to the club to put on the skates and start skating, besides he could not stop looking at the skates that his aunt Payton had given to start, although he did not like them much because they were figure skates instead of hockey skates. Meanwhile Payton was talking to Katherine coordinating details of the return. After a couple of minutes Payton climbed into the car to go to the destination but Patrick realizes that he forgot his bag, so he asks permission to get off and go find the bag at home. That was the first official word crossing between Jane and Patrick. Once Patrick returns with his bag to the car as a joke Jane says:

- Are you sure you do not forget anything else? see that your head is wearing it -

Patrick does not like the joke very much but he does not say anything because he is anxious to get to the club and start skating, so he gets into the car and Payton turns it onand start the route that would begin to mark the fate of Jane and Patrick. An hour later the boys arrive at destination, Payton parks the car, Sabrina and David go to the club with Patrick and Payton accompanies Jane to the Academy, leaves her, wishes her good luck and says:
- Good luck Jane! At 7 I come back for you, okay? -

Jane nods, gives a kiss and a hug to Peyton, says goodbye to her and says:

- see you in a while -

Meanwhile, in the club were Sabrina, David and Patrick who were preparing to train . When Sabrina and David finish putting on their skates, they go to the track and Patrick goes behind them, who actually had to wait for his aunt, since that was not the track on which he had to train, so David with Tone mockingly tells him:

About kisses and hugsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora