The best is coming

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After a while, the play was no longer in theaters and Jane had more free time to devote to the skate. Although he never stopped going to Payton's classes, he only went a couple of times a week for a few hours, and now he would normally go back every day since he had become accustomed to a routine full of activities, and the trainings of Skating was the perfect opportunity to share more time with Patrick, because although they were still seen at dinners and at school, it was little time for them to spend together. For Payton, the fact that Jane returned to her classes normally, was the opportunity to assemble pairs routines and propose to compete at a state level, since previously they had competed regionally and had won, so Payton felt that they were prepared for more competitions. important

As they were still starting, they had not learned to do single level jumps and turns, so at the moment they put together dance choreographies on ice, with step in mirrors and rotations that they knew how to learn perfectly, and for a couple of months , they knew the two routines as if they had practiced it all their lives, although they still felt uncomfortable with touch, it was difficult for them to hold hands and they felt strange to have their faces too close, as they remembered the incident of the kiss that was not a kiss and They felt ashamed. Even so, after a couple of contact exercises taught by cousin Sabrina, who at the beginning of her career had the same thing, they managed to overcome this part, and when the time came to compete, she seemed confident with that part, They connected in a way that everything around them seemed to have vanished, it was just music, ice and them.

As soon as the announcer said their full names, the boys shook hands, looked at each other and started walking towards the track, stepping on the ice at the same time with their left foot, began to slide towards the center of the track to start the routine. She wore a beautiful emerald green dress, with long sleeves of the same color that were attached to the big toe as if it were a ring, with details of shiny silver incrustations on the neckline, collar, sleeves and skirt. Her long, silky hair wore a perfectly armed jumpsuit, her fringe to the wind on her forehead and a hair accessory that combined with the dress around the impeller. He looked like a little heir to the throne with black pants, a black shirt tucked inside his pants with a zipper on the collar, no buttons and cufflinks on the sleeves of his shirt.

When they reached the center of the track, they looked at each other again and got into position. As soon as the music began to play, they shook hands and began to dance a beautiful ballad by Tal Bachman, an artist who was beginning to sound strong on the radio and who stood out for singing songs with lyrics of great significance. For this occasion the boys made their short routine to the song of the song If You Sleep, for some reason, the words of that song made them emotional and as soon as it began, the world disappeared for them:

Figure of divine perfection

No one's loved with more affection

Soul to soul we've breathed

Oh, I won't let The Fates succeed

Evidently, their friendship was indestructible, and each step they took united them even more. Their excited moms waiting anxiously for the result and wishing that they go on the track again, left the stands and went to the mixed zone to congratulate them for how well they did it, but they were still landing to reality, because while they were on the track they felt on another planet, completely abstracted. After a few seconds, the announcer pronounces their names and alerts them to pay attention to the screen to know what was the result of the short program: "the scores for the couple of Jane McCormick and Patrick Lauzon are ...". Meanwhile you could see the points on the screen that checked what the announcer said: "for the technical part the ratings are: 3.18 - 3.20 - 3.15 - 3.12 - 3.10 - 3.10, total of the technical part 18.85; and for the artistic part the notes are: 3.35 - 3.38 - 3.27 - 3.22 - 3.22 - 3.23, total 19.67 for the artistic part, therefore, the total score of the routine is 38.52, thus remaining in the third position so far "

Then the next pairs pass and they move to fourth place with a few tenths below the others, so the chance to get a medal was viable, so they went to prepare for the long routine and crossed paths with Andrew Poje and Alice Graham, the couple that was first after the short routine, so they took the opportunity to congratulate them and wish good luck to both, and they correspond in the same way, thanking and wishing luck. Then they go to their dressing room to change and put on the wardrobe of the long routine: she a beautiful pink dress, tight at the top, and loose on the skirt, with details of tulle, sleeveless, with straps that are tied behind the neck; in the hair, only the accessory was changed for one with bow ends of the same color as her dress. As for him, he continued with the black, but the shirt was wearing buttons and the sleeves were folded a few centimeters below the elbow, which showed the inside of the shirt in blue and white; and the pants I change it for a more tight and elastic, without zippers or buttons at the waist.

For the second routine they danced a classic waltz, Danubio Azul by Johann Strauss, a routine that they did not have very clear, but as the regulation establishes that the couples that were in the top five in the short program, are the last to pass in the free program, had time to practice and review, I want to do until the last second, even the announcer had to say their names twice to realize they were calling. Unsafe to feel that they were not clear about the routine, they went out on the track with doubts, but giving everything and appearing to feel safe in front of others. Knowing that they had a chance to win, they did not want anyone to perceive their uncertainties, because in case someone noticed it, it would not help at all, any false step, it was a possibility less than a podium. Even so, nobody noticed, and after all the pairs passed, they were first in the long program with a score of 47.85, for a total of 86.37, same score as Andrew Poje and Alice Graham, so Jane and Patrick they took the silver medal, since the regulation establishes that in case of a tie, the gold is won by the pair that obtained the highest score in the short routine. Despite this, they were satisfied with the position in which they ended up being the first time they competed in such an important tournament. Although they were disappointed in themselves, their retail personalities and nonconformist, made them want revenge and return to compete again to improve their performance, so that their ambitious personality with a thirst to win made them go beyond a simple competition, having to Take some of the most difficult decisions of your life, having to choose different ways of life, resigning and renouncing certain aspects of your routine that you enjoy doing, choosing to stay together or betting on doing separate activities but trying to be part of the life of the other.

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