Kissing the possible, embracing the incredible

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The adrenaline that ran through the veins of Jane and Patrick after winning the competition, was such that at that time it seemed that they had reconciled, that everything was fine by magic, but no, after leaving the Ice Arena, the boys started to make strange faces, mocking, because Fedor had gone to see her compete with Jane and I wait outside to congratulate her, but when Patrick saw him, he went crazy, he began to boil his blood, for some reason nobody knew, Patrick fell very bad Fedor, I hated just seeing him, I did not want to know anything with him and if I could not cross him, I would do anything to make this happen.

Alice and Jonah did not like it at all that Patrick treated someone like that, so they challenged him in front of everyone and Patrick felt very embarrassed by the situation, even worse when Jane and Fedor laughed at it. As the Ice Arena was far from his neighborhood, Patrick, Jane, the boys from his club who went to that tournament, Payton and the rest of the teachers, went to the competition in a bus all together, and the parents who went to see them in another, so the trip back was a hell for Jane and Patrick, they went by looking ugly and saying insults within the truck, they were super angry, but unlike their first big fight, this time they were more subtle and not they made such a scandal, although they tried to fight silently so that none on the bus noticed, they were so obvious, that they made the trip an uncomfortable situation for everyone, the tension was so evident that it was difficult for anyone to notice.

At the end of the trip, everyone got out of the truck and congratulated themselves for the competition, as the parents bus left 5 minutes later, the boys had to wait for it to arrive to be able to leave. For all the children it was the longest 5 minutes, because after the tortuous trip thanks to Jane and Patrick, the boys did not see the time to return to their homes, the climate they had generated overshadowed the achievements of that tournament, nobody wanted to know nothing with them. Once the parents arrived, the boys ran to them, including Patrick and Jane who longed to leave, but Payton could not help but let the travel situation go by, so he went to a corner with Alice and Katherine, while Jonah stayed behind. watching Jane and Patrick, so that Payton could talk to them and tell them what happened on the trip. Payton thought it was not a good idea to continue skating, she gave up and told Katherine and Alice:

- Like you, I thought that this competition would unite you, but no, you continue to be misbehaving and worse, to tell you the truth, I do not think that your children will make friends again, not at the moment, something happens between them and there is no solution if not We know what happens, I think the best thing is that they leave my classes for a good time and when they get together for dinner Jane and Patrick are not, maybe that's how they miss a bit and come back to treat each other better, they look happy medal won, but they left the track and they did not talk to each other, they climbed into the truck and everything became very tense -

Alice and Katherine, worried about what Payton was telling them, look at each other for a few seconds in silence, and Katherine says:

Alice and Katherine, worried about what Payton was telling them, look at each other for a few seconds in silence, and Katherine says:

- No need to think about it, I think something happened between them that we do not know, before the winter holidays were very good friends, but then they went back to their routines and their relationship changed completely, I think it would be best to do what says Payton, I do not think you think Alice -

Alice: - The truth is that it's hard for me to understand what's going on, I try to remember what happened before the holidays so they get along like this now, but I can not find anything, sincerely we have to think, it's hard for me to believe that they wear it, but if this does not happen It fixes your relationship, I do not think there's anything else to do. We'd better talk to Jonah to see what he thinks and decide what to do, but at the moment I think the same as you Katherine, but I do not want to rush anyway-

Alice looks at Payton and asks if she can stay with the boys for a moment, while Katherine and she talk to Jonah to tell them what happened and decide what to do. Payton goes to where the kids are, tells Jonas to go talk to Katherine and Alice, and the three of them start chatting. Katherine tells him what Payton told her, and Alice tells him about the solution they have thought of. Jonah is silent for a few seconds, looks at both and says:

- Honestly, there is something that does not close me, one day they get along and the other gets bad, it's okay, they are children and therefore they have childish attitudes, but their relationship is worse than the bumper cars of an amusement park. They really drive me crazy, but if there is no other solution, the best thing to do is stop skating for a while. Anyway, I do not think any of them will be a skater in the future, Jane will dance and Patrick likes hockey, and that's what they want to do. After all, if they went to this competition it is because we forced them. Better let's go home that is getting late and then at dinner when the guys play we decide better -

The three of them go for their children, they go up to their cars, they go to their homes, and when they arrive, they see Cassandra waiting outside of Patrick's house and because Jane did not like Scott's new friend, look and make an ugly face of angry. His mom notices and looks at Alice and there they realize that the bad relationship of their children started because of Fedor and Alice, so when it's time to get together for dinner, they both chat and decide that Jane and Patrick are still skating since they understand that this is not the problem, but anyway, they know that they can not do anything for Cassandra and Fedor to stop seeing Patrick and Jane, so they are going to let time decide how the relationship between them will continue, They understand that Jane and Patrick have to understand that they can be friends with each other and have other friends, so they talk to the kids and tell them:

-Payton told us what happened in the truck back to the club, and we also know that you have new friends, and that's fine, you have the right to make new friends, but you also have to know what making new friends does not mean having to to stop being friends among you, on the contrary, they should have more friends than before, so they will keep skating and they will have to apologize to each other. Besides Jane you will have to apologize to Cassandra and you Patrick will have to apologize to Fedor, so next weekend, you 4 are going to go to the mall to play together in the gaming machines and get to know each other -

Jane and Patrick look at each other guiltily as they mull over what their mothers said, and apologize, then start eating dinner, and Jane pulls a chocolate out of the cupboard and gives Patrick half of it. They finish dinner and they kiss and hug each other, they say goodbye, they wish good luck, Patrick goes home and Jane stays at the door watching Patrick leave, second later, Patrick turns to see Jane and she raises her arm and waves to him in the distance, shaking her hand, Patrick does the same and throws a kiss at her, Jane pretends to receive him and kisses his hand to return the kiss to Patrick. They both go to sleep smiling and wanting to see each other again, they wake up, they go to school, Jane sees Cassandra going in to say hello to Patrick, and even though she does not like him anymore, she remembers what her mother told her that night Previous, so he will apologize, the three begin to chat and Patrick and Jane take the opportunity to invite her to play the game machines, Cassandra accepts the invitation and when it's time for recess, the three meet to plan the departure, then the classes end, the boys leave school and Cassandra tells them both:

- See you guys tomorrow! Luck! -

The boys go home, Jane goes to the dance classes, Patrick goes to hockey and then they come back to the skating classes to start practicing the routine for regionals. They finish training, Jonas goes to look for the boys at the club, and they continue the trip to their house singing "Everybody dance now" and enjoy the trip like never before, they were getting along and they felt very good. Already more grown up they understand that this way of good they must take always, all the time, and that there is no person that is going to meddle in their relation.

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