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When Jane managed to master the skates, she felt so happy that she wanted to continue learning more about them and her world began to split between skating and ballet, only that she did not perceive it, her routine began to change little by little, fewer hours of leisure and more hours of activities, changed the way Jane perceived the world. The ballet classes, the dance competitions, the rehearsals for the play, the ballet practices and the school, did not leave him time to have fun, but even though he missed playing with Josephine and had a somewhat exhausting routine, she could stop spreading her happiness to the world, be with her in the same place, forget about the problems for a moment and enjoy the moment, despite being a girl with almost seven years old, her way of being and reacting to adversity It looks like an adult person, you always learn something from her.

Meanwhile, Patrick's emotions came and went, at times he was happy and optimistic, for others he was sad and pessimistic, because having to go back to skate lessons with his aunt Payton, made him feel frustrated with the feeling that he did not advance, he would not leave the step where he was stuck and that his dream of being the scorer and captain of the Golden Hockey Maple Leafs collapsed, he did not know whether to resign before the situation or keep trying, but for others, to share time with Jane, she made him see the world differently, she became a bit more positive and hopeful, Jane gave her the confidence she needed not to let herself fall. In addition to learning new figures, it made him feel safer on the track, although he did not find that what he learned could be applied in hockey, but anyway, as his aunt Payton told him when he saw it wrong, "that you do not see what is useful, it does not mean that it is useless, sooner or later, you are going to realize that you are going to have to apply it". The faith that the others deposited in him, kept him going.

Both felt tired, almost did not have social life, but that did not matter, now cross at school was not the biggest problem, not that they had become friends, but at least they were tolerated and talked a little more, their talks were not so cold and formal, they went on to talk about more trivial things like movies or strange things they saw on the street, and as their families were always at all the events in which they participated, on Mondays they talked about the competitions of Jane or about Patrick's games. Somehow, they helped each other in those aspects, Patrick told him what he thought about his dances and had already acquired enough confidence to give him a constructive feedback, Jane went to all the games and watched his plays to give him constructive criticism about it . In a way, although their objectives were different, the figure skating classes, united them without them realizing that, was the excuse they needed to start getting to know each other. Over time, both would be great friends, but for now only close acquaintances with many adventures to live.

They found in skating the common ground that would later make them friends. Unlike other children, their friendship took longer to arrive, each step of their relationship gathered a little more but not enough to trust completely, but to know each other. They were not confidants, but they told each other things that other people would not tell them, when they needed a council they came to ask for it. At school, Scott's friends joked that Jane and Patrick were boyfriends, and Jane's friends wanted to meet him, but they were asked what kind of relationship they had, both said they were skating buddies. The rest of his family remembered what happened a while ago when they quarreled at Katherine's house and appreciated that they get along better, because a few months earlier, during dinner, Patrick had eaten a chocolate that Katherine bought for Jane since it was her favorite , and they ended up fighting ugly and had to finish the match before and for a few days, they could not get together. The way to the club in Payton's car was hell, and the classes were even worse, during 3 classes, Payton could not attend to the other students, because as soon as they were not watched, they ended the fights and Payton had to walk separating them, but after a severe punishment for both, they had to learn to get along better. Patrick was suspended one game and Jane was not allowed to compete. After that there was no more fight between them. They had to learn to get along and learn to share more time together in a more enjoyable way, without fights and with more communication between them, tolerating each other and enduring differences because they knew they would be punished if they did not obey. If everything got worse, both would stop doing what they like most, they would not have privileges. His parents made it very clear to him when they joined them after the fight to tell them the punishment, between Jonah, Alice and Katherine they told him:

- You two know each other a lot, our families have known each other for a long time. Alice and Katherine have known each other since kindergarten and have been friends ever since, sometimes they fought each other, but not in that way, they always forgave themselves and that is why their friendship lasts until now. All relationships have ups and downs, but nothing is reason to be treated like that. They have to learn to get along, otherwise they will suffer the consequences of their actions. We're not going to let something like this happen again. No privileges for you -

- With Jonas we have known each other since elementary school, then we got married in Secondary School and until now we are still married. Do you think that we did not have problems in the middle? Well, no, we had conflicts in the middle, like any relationship between two people, be friends, boyfriends, marriage or relatives, but we are human and we have to learn to live with the things that we do not like. Not all people are equal, and we have to understand, we can not expect them to change. What happened a few days ago can not happen again, I can not tolerate it anymore. If for you we have to stop coming together, they will not get rid so easy, that's for sure -

- For days that our families are not seen, and all because of you, for a simple chocolate. Okay, it was for Jane, but you Jane did not have to react like that, it's not that bad, it would have been another reason, it was not the way. How they talked, how they treated each other, the things they said to each other, I want to believe that they do not feel them, that they said it in the heat of the moment, because if they become true, that would turn them into very bad people. No one wants to continue like this without coming together. At the moment Jane you are not going to this week's competition, I already warned her teacher and she understood perfectly, she agrees with me, and she gave Danielle her place in the group routine, she deserves it more that you If you continue to take it like this, you can not go to dance anymore, and I'll talk to the director of the play to find another girl to play your role -

- As for you Patrick, if you keep treating her that way, doing those pranks, the consequences will be worse for you. With your knowledge of having broken the whole house, an act that we let you through at the time, and that we ended up giving you privileges ... -

- When that incident happened, we put a condition on you, that you behaved to be able to continue skating, and apparently you are not doing it. What kind of person behaves like this? Then they want us to treat them as adults. With that attitude they show us that they are still children. We give them all and you thank us in that way. No more, until here our tolerance arrived. Therefore, if you continue to behave like this, you can only go home and nothing else. At the moment you will not be able to play this Sunday's game, and it is already coordinated with your coach, it is more, it was the suggestion of the -

- To see if with this punishment they learn to get along better. We are not going to stop coming together because you can not tolerate yourself. Either they learn to tolerate or they will not have anything and they will be punished until the university -

Both super angry at the punishment, ended up asking for forgiveness, and the next day, Patrick gave him the same chocolate that had been eaten as a peace offering and promised that he would never do it again. After a while, the boys forgot the problem and even laughed at this.

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