Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Oliver Morrison

I came in to the dorm and walked directly towards Junior’s bed.

‘Gareth said you wanted to see me?’ I asked with concern as I set my bag on the floor.

‘Yeah, I wanted you to keep me company and do your prep with me. Take me through what you did in lesson,’ he replied.

I thought for a moment before replying, ‘Sure, it was nothing interesting. We were just going over the last lessons that we did about the solar system. Plus, we had no prep, which hasn’t happened in some time, but he did want us to recap on the text in the textbook, but that will take second it’s only twelve pages.’

‘Yeah, it’ll take seconds for you. You have two eyes to use, I only have one at the moment,’ he said sourly.

‘You should think yourself lucky, some people have none.’ This was said as I was laughing.

‘You are scientifically incorrect, but scientifically correct as well,’ Junior muttered.

‘That last sentence didn’t make any sense at all,’ I replied chuckling.

‘Yes, it did, everyone is born with two eyes, but some people don’t have the use of them.’ Junior insisted.

‘You’re also wrong as well; because some people are only born with one eye, there have been scientific studies to prove it,’ I commented.

‘Piss off; you’ve got an answer for everything. You’re not supposed to be smarter than me.’ he pouted.

‘That’s a shame, becuase it looks like I am,’ I replied with a smirk.

Then I leaned over, grabbed Junior behind his back, minding his eye and planted a kiss on his lips, and said, ‘I’m happy I’ve got you.’

‘I’m happy I have you as well. Scoot over, we’ll do some reading together,’ I said as I grabbed my textbook.

Junior shuffled to the left and after kicking off my shoes joined him on his bed, and laid the textbook between us as we began to read.


We were woken up when Stuart followed by Gareth walked into the room carrying trays of chicken curry and rice. When they saw Junior and me, Stuart said, ‘We brought you some dinner. You didn’t return after Gareth told you Junior wanted you, so we just took a stab and decided to bring yours and Junior’s dinner up here for you. But hurry up because we need to return the plates to the mess before Mr Trench does his walk through tonight. We’ll be in the recreation room just give us a shout when you’re finished.’

And we did just that. After we finished off our dinner, I shouted for Gareth who took the plates back to the mess and came back ten minutes later. Then he walked back in to the dorm, followed by Stuart, and they joined us on Junior’s bed.

‘Oliver do you and Junior fancy a walk into the village tomorrow? We haven’t spent a lot of time together lately and I thought that we could go on a boat ride through the river in Moorgate Village that connects the Evans River to the River Werthington,’ Gareth suggested.

‘I’m in, I need to get out of the school for a day and clear my head,’ was my reply.

Closely followed was Junior’s, ‘I’m in as well, but I need to get clearance from Ms Morris though, in fact, I’ll ask her now in order to hopefully save some time tomorrow.’

So we all followed Junior to Ms Morris’s office.

When we arrived, we knocked on the door, and Ms Morris replied from inside, ‘Come in.’

We stepped into the office and when Ms Morris saw us she said, ’Good evening boys, and Junior how are you?’

‘I’m good thanks, but can I ask you a question?’ Junior asked as he took a seat in front of her desk.

‘Sure, what’s the matter?’ she asked curiously.

Junior stated, ‘We were thinking about going into Moorgate Village tomorrow, and I wanted to ask you if I could go. You told me this morning when we got back that if I wanted to leave the school campus I had to ask your permission because of my eye.’

‘Sure, as long as you’re not doing anything that could bump your eyes, I have no problem with you leaving, just remember to sign the book when you leave and when you arrive back,’ she said with a smile.

‘Thanks and we’ll do that,’ replied Gareth.

‘Have fun tomorrow, if I don’t see you in the morning. I’ve got the weekend off,’ she stated.

‘Have fun, and hopefully we’ll see you on Monday,’ I said.

Then we left the office and headed back to our dormitory, to arrange for the next day.

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